Entertainment Weekly has published a short article on Stargate: SG-1 and its upcoming Season 10 premiere in its Summer TV Special. Pictured are Amanda Tapping and Ben Browder.
The author confuses episode 10.06 “200” with the season premiere, but in any event describes one part of the episode:
This season’s premiere practically plays like an SNL skit–one series of scenes has SG-1 members portrayed by marionette puppets as they flash back to alternate realities. “There’s been a number of Wizard the Oz references over the years,” says executive producer Robert Cooper. “We have a sequence that pays tribute.”
The perennial ship question was also discussed:
One hotly debated topic: whether Carter and Maj. Gen. “Jack” O’Neill (Richard Dean Anderson, known to most of the world as MacGyver, is back this season for a few episodes) should meld minds. “It’s a huge issue,” says Tapping. “I don’t want to be just pining away for the lead guy.” Anderson agrees: “I think there’s something sort of rewarding about them maintaining the friendship and comradeship.”
To see a scan of the article, visit BenBrowderPortal.com.