Brian J. Smith

Divider Strip for Actors..Beyond the Event Horizon (original image from MGM)

Brian J. Smith

Beyond Matthew Scott

These are the roles that Brian J. Smith has had since he became 2nd Lt. Matthew Scott, the most recent on top.

Person of Interest

Person of Interest
Picture 2 of 7

Shayn Coleman in "Shadow Box"
December 13, 2012

Matthew ScottBRIAN J. SMITH starred in Stargate Universe as 2nd Lt. Matthew Scott, an officer fresh out of training who had to step up to become Col. Everett Young’s second-in-command officer when the personnel of Icarus Base were marooned on the Ancient vessel Destiny. Smith, a classically trained stage actor, has not only been guest starring in television productions, but has also returned to the stage.

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Divider Strip for Actors..Beyond the Event Horizon (original image from MGM)