Jamil Walker Smith

Divider Strip for Actors..Beyond the Event Horizon (original image from MGM)

Jamil Walker Smith

Beyond Ronald Greer

These are the roles that Jamil Walker Smith has had since he became MSgt. Ronald Greer, the most recent on top.

Make a Movie Like Spike

Make a Movie Like Spike
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February 3, 2011

Ronald GreerJAMIL WALKER SMITH starred in Stargate Universe as MSgt. Ronald Greer, a US Marine through-and-through who would sacrifice his own life to save others. At first, Greer was very harsh with the civilians under his protection, but after surviving many trials together, he found a balance, especially after he entered into a relationship with Dr. Lisa Park. Recently, Smith wrote, directed, and starred in an 80-minute independent film called Make a Movie Like Spike.

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Divider Strip for Actors..Beyond the Event Horizon (original image from MGM)