Robert Carlyle

Divider Strip for Actors..Beyond the Event Horizon (original image from MGM)

Robert Carlyle

Beyond Nicholas Rush

These are the roles that Robert Carlyle has had since he became Dr. Nicholas Rush, the most recent on top.

The Tournament

The Tournament
Picture 2 of 4

Father MacAvoy
October 8, 2009

Dr. Nicholas RushROBERT CARLYLE starred in Stargate Universe as Dr. Nicholas Rush, the lead scientist for the Icarus Project and the one who chose to dial the ninth chevron during the Icarus Base attack, stranding the base personnel and the visiting dignitaries several billion light years from home aboard the Ancient vessel Destiny. Carlyle will be seen in the ABC show Once Upon a Time as Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin.

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Divider Strip for Actors..Beyond the Event Horizon (original image from MGM)