First half of Season Four well under way Joseph Mallozzi, Stargate Atlantis‘s new co-showrunner, has revealed the titles of some of the first episodes to the show’s fourth season. Although very few spoilers are given for to their plots, the titles of the episodes give tantalizing clues as to what is in store for the … Continue reading “SGA S4 Spoilers: Mallozzi Reveals Episode Titles”
The latest news from the 17-19 November Creation Burbank Convention is that David Hewlett and his sister Kate Hewlett will appear on Sunday, discussing the episode “McKay and Mrs. Miller” on stage and signing autographs for a nominal (e.g., non-Creation) fee. This is in addition to David and producers Jane Loughman and John Lenic appearing … Continue reading “2 Hewletts for the Price of None”
The usual rush of media announcements for this Friday’s premieres of SG-1 and Atlantis has begun. Here is a sampling so far: New York Post TWO out-of-this-world dramas orbit back to earth on Friday night. First up is the tenth season of “Stargate SG-1,” where the team of well-dressed outer space hunks led by Lt. … Continue reading “Media Blitz for Season Premieres”
Tonight’s theme seemed to be “episodes graced by the presence of Harry Maybourne,” but the interspersed interviews with the cast didn’t really touch on that. Here is a transcript of the snippets, with grateful thanks to Elyse of sg1_spoilme for writing them and giving us permission to use them. Ben Browder “Directors are like your … Continue reading “Sci Fi Monday Snippets”
New Seasons for the Stargate Franchise The British Columbia Film Commission has posted the filming schedules for Stargate SG-1’s record-breaking tenth season and spin-off Stargate Atlantis’s third season on their website. Both shows will share the same filming schedule, starting February 20 and ending October 10. Stargate SG-1 will start their filming with “Flesh and … Continue reading “Spoilers: Franchise Filming Schedules”
Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis return with full casts, plus one FROM SCIFI WIRE: SG-1 Adds Black As Regular Claudia Black (Farscape) joins the regular cast of SCI FI Channel’s original series Stargate SG-1 in its upcoming 10th season, and the principal cast members of both SG-1 and its spinoff series, Stargate Atlantis, have signed … Continue reading “All Actors Return for New Season”
Mark your calendars and start the countdown! The SciFi Channel has announced the new seasons of both Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis will begin at 8PM and 9PM Eastern, respectively, on July 15, 2005. The premieres are not being shown as two-hour episodes this year, it appears. Stargate SG-1 begins its ninth season with “Avalon … Continue reading “Season Premieres Slated for July 15”
Stargate Atlantis Portal The show may no longer be in production, but the fandom lives on! Join us for the latest news about what the main cast members are doing now. Stargate Atlantis Home Page Transcripts Actor Pages (Beyond the Event Horizon) Twitter Superfeed LJ Atlantis Tag SGA On-Site Forum Seasonal Polls LiveJournal Posts (Atlantis … Continue reading “SGA”