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23 OCT 03:

Paul Brown, President of Legends Memorabilia
The Stargate SG-1 auction we conducted on MGM's behalf on eBay was an overwhelming success and served to further illustrate the intense popularity of this series with its dedicated fans. In summary, the total amount of sales for the auction was US$86,000. With a great variety of props, costumes, set decoration and studio art on offer, it seems many bidders were happy with their 'wins'.
The top selling item (not surprisingly!) was the Jaffa Staff Weapon which sold for $7,350. The other items which rounded off the Top 10 were: the Richard Dean Anderson car: $7,000; Daniel Jackson's armband device from 'Upgrades': $6,800; The Crystal Skull: $4,838; a prop Zat Gun: $3,350; a Framed Replicator display (first one released from a new Limited Edition): $2,225; a Goa'uld working prop: $2,025; a Jack O'Neill costume: $1,625; a Chevron piece from the Stargate: $1,452; and a Hathor costume which sold for $1,275.
There were a total of 164 items offered in the sale and the average selling price was $529 per item. From a 'category' standpoint, here are the averages: Props: $893 per item; Set Decoration: $611/item; Costumes: $310/item; Art: $231/item. So as you can see, many people went home happy!
As point of interest, the winning bidder for RDA's car lives in Michigan and is flying to Vancouver this week to collect it and drive back home. The lucky winner has a surprise waiting for her as the car is parked inside SGC - right beside the Stargate, so we hope she brings her camera! MGM have arranged for a studio/set tour for her also so believe her entire experience this week will be one to remember!
Perhaps even just as remarkable as the dollar amount spent in the auction, was the number of 'hits' (page views) that the auction received: 163,000 in just 20 days! This interprets to over 8,000 hits per day which further reinforces the evidence that SG-1 fans are indeed interested. The item that received the most views was the prop Zat Gun with 3,959 hits and the overall hit average was 993 views per item. All in all, those statistics are significantly higher than the averages we normally see for this type of sale. Once again, a credit to the fans of Stargate!
We gratefully acknowledge the remarkable level of hits and fan interest in this sale and in response to the continued requests we receive for more products of this type, MGM have now granted permission for us to return with another Stargate SG-1 sale in November. Accordingly, they have released another significant batch of items from the set and we are currently preparing the inventory for this sale - which will include 450 items this time. Our plan is to open the auction on November 1st and to be concluded on November 30th. Because of the large volume of items available, we shall be adding 15 new items every day and each item will be open for bidding for 7 days - not 10 days as in the last auction.
Our new SG-1 props website ( is scheduled to open on November 1st, but in advance of that date, we hope to have a preview of some of the items that will be available in the auction.
On a bit of a 'down' note from the last auction, we were somewhat disturbed to learn that several of the bidders received unsolicited emails from other eBay members offering to also sell them other versions of what was on offer. Specifically, solicitations were made to sell a Jaffa Staff Weapon and a Crystal Skull, and in each case the 'sellers' represented the items to be 'originals' from the set.  Both MGM and Legends Memorabilia view this type of activity with great concern for two reasons: (1) Authenticity and (2) the potential possession of stolen property. 
Following our investigations into these solicitations, we were able to determine that the Jaffa Staff Weapon was in fact a reproduction that had been manufactured by a third party - not by the Stargate personnel.  MGM wants to ensure that when a fan pays money for an item used in the production of Stargate, then the purchaser knows that it is indeed authentic.  It is for this reason that set-used item from Stargate are placed into the market through Legends Memorabilia as the vendor for set-used items, and also that every single item is accompanied with a Certificate of Authenticity issued by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios.
Potential buyers should also be aware that from time to time various items have been reported stolen from the set and MGM are vigorously pursuing the recovery of those items. In summary, if fans are offered 'set used' items that do not have an MGM Certificate of Authenticity attached, then it is quite possibly a reproduction or may be stolen property. If any fan has purchased anything that does not have a certificate, then Legends Memorabilia will be happy to help the owner authenticate the item and issue a certificate.

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