SGA 4.20 "The Last Man Part 1" Episode Guide

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Revision as of 20:58, 30 September 2007 by DeeKayP (talk | contribs) (DH UGO interview)
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Through a time anomaly, Sheppard winds up thousands of years in the future and finds the city almost completely buried in sand and a hologram of Dr. McKay, which lets him know how life changed after he went missing on a mission.

Guide | Transcript

MGM/ Official Summary

The official summary is not available as this episode has not yet aired in the United States.


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Production Notes

  • "We also took the time to discuss [...] Paul’s very cool idea for the season (?) finale, a little episode we’re calling…“Finale“. The last two episodes of the season "will not be a two-parter." (Joseph Mallozzi's June 6 blog)
  • "Today, we gave Alan notes on his outline, discussed Midway, and had a very brief discussion of Martin’s next episode which we should start breaking tomorrow. That will leave three scripts to be written when we get back: the Joe F. story, Paul’s season finale idea, and the empty slot." (Joseph Mallozzi' June 18 blog)
  • "Finally, we will get around to breaking that Sheppard on Earth story next week along with what we hope will be the season finale." (Joseph Mallozzi's August 2 blog)
  • "Harmony is not the season finale. The season finale has yet to be broken. Also, the production order of the episodes does not reflect their air order." (Joseph Mallozzi's August 5 blog)
  • "Despite the distractions, we (hopefully) have our final episode slotted. No title yet but, like most season finales, this one will be big - but very, very different." (Joseph Mallozzi's August 8 blog)
  • "We are not thinking past season four which will end on a cliffhanger. We have a general idea of where we want this major arc to go and hopefully will have a chance to develop it with a fifth season pick-up." (Joseph Mallozzi's August 10 blog) The season finale is linked in some way to "The Kindred". (Joseph Mallozzi's August 14 blog)
  • "Outcast is being re-written as we speak and there’s a first draft out of the season finale, The Last Man. We are partway through filming Harmony and will be moving on to Trio next. Outcast will follow Trio and then we’ll be finishing up with season finale." (Joseph Mallozzi's September 2 blog)
  • "Then, this afternoon, we had an extra special guest drop by for a visit. Bob Picardo had swung by for his costume fitting [...] Bob is, of course, in town to shoot his scenes for the big season finale, The Last Man, and came up with a fun idea regarding the outfit Woolsey should be wearing in this episode. It won’t be his standard suit." (Joseph Mallozzi's September 19 blog)
  • David Hewlett, in his Twitter log on August 16, 2007: "they're booking me for a life cast! apparently i'm to get very old."
  • "It actually works out that today, all I had booked was to stick my head in a vat of algaenate for a head cast. They had to book me in to go and do this stuff for - Todd Masters is doing some weird and wonderful things to my head for the last episode of the season. Hopefully nothing fatal is all I can say." — David Hewlett in UGO interview, September 20, 2007.
  • "Short week on Atlantis for me, just Thursday and Friday of McKay, though they packed in three episodes...we finished off Trio, Outcast and started our big season finale Last man. [...] Next week is looking brutal with 4 hours of prosthetics every day...not to mention all that marvelous McKay dialogue!" — David Hewlett in his blog, September 30, 2007.

Further Reading

--DeeKayP 17:28, 2 September 2007 (PDT)