9.11 "The Fourth Horseman Part 2" Episode Guide

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When Orlin needs a blood sample from a Prior in order to perfect his cure for the plague, Daniel and Mitchell turn to the Sodan for assistance. Orlin's battle to retain memories from his ascension is causing brain damage, but he uses the last of his strength to travel to the Sodan world and confront the trapped Prior. SG-1 learn that the Ori plan to kill all the Ancients in the Milky Way galaxy.

Guide | Transcript

SciFi.com Official Summary

The official summary is not yet available as this episode has yet to air in the United States.

Episode Spoilers

Note: Latest updates are in color.

Lord Haikon (of the Sodan Jaffa from 9.08 "Babylon") is due to make a reappearance in the season two-parter, “The Fourth Horseman”.

Speaking of "The Fourth Horseman", Mallozzi advised fans in his Q&A on May 22: "Check out the big mid-season two-parter, The Fourth Horseman, in which a certain someone from her [Samantha Carter] past drops in to lend a hand - with poignant consequences." This sounds like Orlin might indeed return as originally thought. Mallozzi didn’t mention Sean Patrick Flanery, who originally played the role in "Ascension", so it is possible that Orlin might return in another form, much like Oma Desala did for Daniel (such as in "Maternal Instinct" and "Meridian"). No word one way or the other has been confirmed, so this is mere speculation at this point.

[Edited to add: Mallozzi posted on his Q&A after this article was first released: "We know now that Sean Patrick Flannery will not be playing Orlin again in The Fourth Horseman I and II. Instead, the part will be played by the terrific Cameron Bright. How is this possible, you’re no doubt asking. Well, there’s a very good reason Orlin’s appearance has changed..."]

"As forces from Stargate Command, USAMRIID, the C.D.C., the W.H.O., and concerned governments try to head off a global pandemic, SG-1 race the clock in an effort to find a cure." — Joseph Mallozzi in his Q&A thread at GateWorld.

"Daniel and Mitchell will be heading off-world on a mission to retrieve a key element of a potential cure. Will someone be affected by the plague? The law of averages would suggest someone could very well be infected. Who? Well, you'll have to tune in to find out." — Joseph Mallozzi in his Q&A thread at GateWorld.

"Fourth Horseman offers yet another reunion of sorts [for Carter] while Carter teams with Dr. Lee in an attempt to help capture 'the missing piece of a puzzle.'" — Joseph Mallozzi in his Q&A thread at GateWorld. The "reunion of sorts" is that of Orlin and Carter.

When asked which episode of the first half of Season Nine showed the best of the character of Samantha Carter and of the acting talents of Amanda Tapping, Joseph Mallozzi stated this on his Q&A thread at Gateworld, "Amanda does a wonderful job in The Fourth Horseman as Sam struggles to help save the world under an incredible emotional strain."

"Certain scheduling changes have necessitated our making changes to The 4th Horseman I and II. But change is good, especially in this case since it means (I know it sounds like I'm repeating myself) the return of a much-loved, sorely missed character. I think this season will be known as the season of returning much-loved, sorely missed characters. Anyways, it'll be great to have "this individual", my fellow gourmand, back in town." — Joseph Mallozzi on his Gateworld Blog. "Hammond retired and is currently serving as an advisor to President Hayes. Will he appear in season 9. I've already answered that question today." — Joseph Mallozzi in his Q&A thread at GateWorld, alluding to an earlier statement he most probably made in his Blog, provided here.

"No, we won't be seeing Skaara and co. But we will be revisited by another ascended being. Check out The 4th Horseman I and II." — Joseph Mallozzi in his Q&A thread at GateWorld.

When asked about Daniel's ascended memories brought forth by Replicator Carter in "Reckoning", Joseph Mallozzi stated this in his Q&A thread at GateWorld: "The Ancients are very particular about what an "descended" human can and cannot remember. Check out The 4th Horseman I and II."

Producers Robert C. Cooper and Brad Wright confirmed at Comic Con that Hammond will return in the mid-season two-parter.

The world apparently recovers from the "influenza" outbreak, but there were losses.

Gerak dies in his opposition to the Ori and Bra'tac is the only witness to his death.

The title of this season's SG-1 mid-season two-parter, The Fourth Horseman, is a biblical reference to The Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse that brings plague. The episode features the return of an old friend, who tries to help SG-1 defuse a deadly situation on Earth. "In an earlier story this season, The Powers That Be, that planet is overrun by a plague inflicted by the Priors," says Damian Kindler, who wrote the first half of this episode. "That plague is brought back to Earth and it's unstoppable. Thousands of people across the world are infected. Borders are shut down, air traffic is stopped; the scope is huge."

Continues Paul Mullie, who wrote part two of the episode along with Joe Mallozzi. "Orlin, from the fifth season episode Ascension, comes back to help us deal with the problem of the Ori and reveal some information about them as well as help us with the plague. Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict we couldn't get Sean Patrick Flannery back to reprise his role of Orlin. So we decided that this time the character comes back as he would have looked as a 12-­year-old Human boy. He's played by Cameron Bright, a very talented young man. Orlin's storyline is very much a poignant one involving Sam Carter [Amanda Tapping]. "As if the plague and Orlin's return isn't enough, there's another story within this episode involving Gerak, who's persuaded by a Prior to do something that he will most certainly regret."

TV Zone Special #64

"There're a lot of mysteries about the Ori that we learned throughout the season," says [Executive Producer, Robert C.] Cooper, "but the Fourth Horseman has a major major revelation about the Ori and the religion that they're pitching to everybody in our galaxy. Essentially, if you want to learn that true sinister dark nature of Origin, the Fourth Horseman will be the one to reveal that." — Robert C. Cooper in the October, 2005 Fall TV Preview Special issue, Volume 11, Number 5, of SCI FI Magazine.

"Well, about the only thing about "The Fourth Horseman" that I would like to say is that I got to work with Louis Gossett Jr. That was a great honour. He truly is one of the great actors out there. The interesting thing that I have found in my career, is that the better the actor (not just celebrity) the nicer the person. I think that it is no secret that Gerak becomes a Prior. Suffice it to say that the viewers will have to wait till Part 2 to see him in full Prior form." — Greg Anderson (the Administrator-turned-Prior) in an interview at LE DELIRIUM.


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--DeeKayP 07:38, 24 Jun 2005 (PDT)