Goa'uld & Tok'ra Symbiotes
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Bloodlines: An immature larval Goa'uld symbiote, technically too young for implantation into a Jaffa. Hathor: Goa'uld queen Hathor engages in sexual intercourse to obtain human DNA for her offspring. Hathor: Hathor's newly spawned larval Goa'uld infants.  Daniel's DNA ensure compatibility with human hosts.
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Hathor: Hathor implants O'Neill with her larval Goa'uld offspring, already established in canon as too young. Hathor: Hathor bears a device which creates Jaffa, forming a pouch and destroying the immune system. Hathor: O'Neill's Jaffa pouch.  New-spawned symbiotes should not survive implantation (Bloodlines).