Not that long ago, Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe co-creator Brad Wright revealed that characters from Atlantis will be making appearances on an upcoming episode of Universe in Season Two.
Executive producer Joseph Mallozzi gave fans a lot more information about these appearances in his weblog entry for July 15, 2010:
With word from producer John G. Lenic that the deals have been closed on those Atlantis alums, we can now move forward on the script, secure in the knowledge that both extra-special guest stars will actually be on hand to say the dialogue written for specifically for them. Great news for fans of the old series. There was a reluctance to move ahead with an SGA crossover, particularly on my part, because the feeling was it would step on the timing of the SGA movie, Stargate: Extinction, the events of which directly proceed the Atlantis series finale, Enemy at the Gate. But given the delay on the movie front and the ideal premise pitched out by Remi Aubuchon and Brad Wright, it was decided to go ahead with the crossover. Not a big deal, but it will require some changes to the Stargate: Extinction timeline which, in turn, will beg a host of questions, some of which will be answered in episode #15, some of which won’t…at least not right away …
Mallozzi identified six questions that SGA fans have been asking about the current whereabouts of the city-ship Atlantis, where the Stargate is on Earth, and what has everyone been doing during the time since “Enemy at the Gate”, which took place nearly a year ago in the Stargate timeline. To close out the entry, he indicated that the identity of the two characters/actors won’t be revealed until Syfy makes “the grand announcement when the time comes. Watch for it!”
Episode #15 is currently “Seizure”, written by one of the newer writers/producers on staff, Remi Aubuchon. Visit the episode’s guide in the Stargate Wiki for further updates.
Which two SGA characters do you think will be making crossover appearances on SGU and why?
It would have to be Shepherd and Ronan as they need some decent soldiers on board the rest are pretty weak.
I agree, probably McKay and Keller…
I would think Sheppard and Mckay would be good choices. Ronan would get bored fast on the destiny. Only two huh? Just bring back SGA and then there is no worries about who goes where. SGU needs a hero and Sheppard is it.
I liked Enemy At The Gate. But in it you could tell there was love between Shep/Todd. If they would cross over not only Mckay and Woosey, but Shepperd(Joe Flanigan) and The actor who played Todd and finish the pairing storyline of Shep/Todd to SGU it would get a lot more fans of SGA, especially Shep/Todd fans to watch SGU. Also I hope they will have my favorite actor Joe Flanigan as a regular in another tv show like Warehouse13, Sanctuary I could start back watching SyFy.
I agree bring back SGA and no problems. SGU also needs heros and Shepperd is it. Shepperd forever.
I also agree about Shepperd and Ronon. They do need some decent and brave soldiers on board.
If MGM is bankrupt like they claim which I doubt because they and SyFy are starting a new BattleStar Galactica Franchise. If they are doing that then they can afford to put Extinction on and bring on a new SGA franchise with Joe Flanigan on it.
If MGM and SyFy can order new episodes of Battlestar Galactica they can for SGA. SGA is not as expensive as Battlestar Galactica and SGU. They could have it situated here on earth with Shepperd retiring as a Col. And becoming a Fed. Agent and fighting the Wraith except Todd on earth.