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SG-1 visits the friendly planet Edora and gathers to watch the annual meteor show that lights up the sky like a fiery rain. But suddenly, wayward asteroids bombard the planet, destroying the Stargate. Can O'Neill and the team ever return home?
SG-1 visits the friendly planet Edora and gathers to watch the annual meteor show that lights up the sky like a fiery rain. But suddenly, wayward asteroids bombard the planet, destroying the Stargate. Can O'Neill and the team ever return home?<br/><br/>{{EpNavLine|epname=3.17 "A Hundred Days"|ratings=0|poll=0|wallpapers=0|screencaps=0}}

Latest revision as of 08:27, 27 November 2007

SG-1 visits the friendly planet Edora and gathers to watch the annual meteor show that lights up the sky like a fiery rain. But suddenly, wayward asteroids bombard the planet, destroying the Stargate. Can O'Neill and the team ever return home?

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