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Rush subjects himself to an experiment involving the ship's computer and flashes back to the time when he was first being recruited into the Stargate Program. He's forced to relive a personal tragedy that he never really handled emotionally before.<br/><br/>{{EpNavLine|epname=SGU 1.14 "Human"|ratings=0|poll=0|wallpapers=0|screencaps=0}}
Dr. Rush defies orders to interface with the ''Destiny''&#039;s computer in a bid to control the ship's flight path, which puts Col. Young in a difficult position. Meanwhile, Lt. Scott, Eli, Chloe and Greer explore a planet's underground ruins.<br/><br/>{{EpNavLine|epname=SGU 1.14 "Human"|ratings=0|poll=0|wallpapers=0|screencaps=0}}

Latest revision as of 13:22, 12 April 2010

Dr. Rush defies orders to interface with the Destiny's computer in a bid to control the ship's flight path, which puts Col. Young in a difficult position. Meanwhile, Lt. Scott, Eli, Chloe and Greer explore a planet's underground ruins.

Guide | Transcript