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File:Hathorandsnake.jpg A Goa'uld Symbiote |
The Goa'uld are aquatic parasitic creatures which evolved into intelligent, but extremely evil, beings. A symbiote, as it is also known as, invades a host, usually human, through the back of the neck (some have been known to go through the front) and blends into the host's biological structure, attaching itself into the brain and thus gaining access to the host's knowledge and voluntary muscular system. The term "Goa'uld" is applied to both the symbiote itself and the blended host, since the host of a Goa'uld is prevented from exerting his own personality after the blending.
Stargate References
- We learn of the parasitic nature of the Goa'uld when Daniel Jackson interpreted the pictorial story drawn on a wall in the old part of a temple on Abydos on his first mission there. This story told of how an alien being searched for a new host for his dying race and found the humans of Earth to be most suitable. This alien stole the identity of the god Ra of the ancient Egyptians of 10,000 years ago, forcing the ancient Egyptians into servitude. The young boy whom Ra took as a host remained his host for all of those thousands of years, his body sustained by the symbiote itself and the technology of the sarcophagus. Daniel discovered the healing powers of the sarcaphogus when he was placed by Ra into it after being killed by a staff blast when he stepped protectively in front of a defenseless Jack O'Neill.
- Goa'uld symbiotes make the eyes of the host flare and glow with a bright white light.
- The Goa'uld use a weapon called a ribbon device worn like a glove which amplifies their mental powers. The center of the device fits in the palm of the wearer's hand and appears like a glowing jewel when activated. The power produced by this ribbon device can be concentrated to thrust a person through the air or link to the person's brain to cause hemorrhage and death.
- The word "Goa'uld" is an ancient Egyptian, Abydonian, or Chulakan term meaning "gods". We learn this when Skaara translated Apophis' First Prime Teal'c's announcement that some of the prisoners being held in a fortress on the planet Chulak were to become hosts for the "children of the gods".
- The Goa'uld can use the ribbon device to sedate a human or put a human into a trance-like state.
- The Goa'uld incubate their larval form in the pouch of the Jaffa.
- The Goa'uld are very vain and wish to have the most beautiful and healthy human host possible.
- A Goa'uld symbiote enters the body of the host through the back of the neck.
- A Goa'uld symbiote can leap far from the pouch of a Jaffa when desperate enough to find a host if that Jaffa has been killed in battle.
- The ability of an individual Goa'uld symbiote to blend with its human host depends upon its age and whether or not it has blended with a host previously.
- A Goa'uld symbiote can hide its presence by allowing the host to conduct his life unaware of the Goa'uld's presence.
- Although a Goa'uld symbiote will eventually attach itself into the host's brain, it is able to move anywhere within the host's body.
- A Goa'uld is able to shed its outer "husk" once blended with the host. The Goa'uld which took Major Charles Kawalsky as a host was able to deceive Dr. Warner into believing that he had been successful in removing the symbiote by allowing the surgeon to remove its snake-like shell. We witness what little part of the Goa'uld symbiote remains after the shedding of this outer shell when Kawalsky's head is opened during his death and what remains of the symbiote falls free of the body.
Notable Characters
- The Goa'uld serve only their own interests, but some of them have joined together in an organization of System Lords to exert supremacy in the galaxy.
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--DeeKayP 13:59, 29 Jun 2004 (PDT)