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- Written by: Joseph Mallozzi
- Directed by:
- Summary:
- Production Notes:
- "More spinning today in the writers’ room and more headway made on those first ten episodes. ... I’ve cast my lot with Episode 2." — Joseph Mallozzi, October 28, 2009
- "Looks like I won’t be doing episode 2 after all which is a shame as I was really looking forward to tackling what will be a wonderfully multi-character-centric story with a tough ethical dilemma at its core. Instead, I’ll be switching over to 3 which, to be perfectly honest, would have been number five on my list of choices only because of the tech component of this particular story (techy scripts are on my personal No Fly list, coming in somewhere between Ancient storylines and anything involving replicator duplicates of our team reaching out to Atlantis). Still, the late addition of another story element (which I initially pitched out for another episode) has certainly made 3 far more intriguing." — Joseph Mallozzi, October 30, 2009
- "Well, another day and still no work completed on the outline. I mean, seriously. Outlines usually take me about a day to complete but I’ve been so distracted of late that I haven’t even had time to sit down and run the scenes in my head." — Joseph Mallozzi, November 12, 2009
- "Oh, and you’ll be pleased to hear I did get around to finishing MY outline which is no doubt sitting, ignored, on Paul and Carl’s desks as well." — Joseph Mallozzi, November 19, 2009
- "Yesterday, we gave and received notes on three outlines: ... Episode 3 (my story, which will shoot fourth)..." — Joseph Mallozzi, November 21, 2009
- "I might also bring along the outline for my upcoming SGU season 2 script – if I can find it. ... Okay, it’s not that big a deal. I mean, I have copies. But it would be nice to be able to reference everyone’s notes that I made a point of writing down on that hard copy. And yet …" — Joseph Mallozzi, November 22, 2009
- "Well, I was back at it today and by “it” I of course mean working on Stargate. I finally started writing that script and made some good headway, hitting the ten page mark before flaming out. Still, ten pages aint bad. At this rate, I’ll be finished by this weekend. Which, of course, I won’t be." — Joseph Mallozzi, December 10, 2009
- "More progress on the script, albeit of the slow and painful variety. Hit the 15 page mark today which means that, this weekend, I will no doubt fall well short of the 50ish pages needed for a full script. Still, 25 pages five days off an exhausting trip to Asia would be pretty impressive." — Joseph Mallozzi, December 12, 2009
- "Ah, you’ve heard I see. Yes, it’s official. Stargate: Universe has been picked up for a second season. And do you know what this means? Yes, that’s right. I have to finish that script." — Joseph Mallozzi, December 14, 2009
- "No progress on the script front. In fact, I re-read the eighteen pages I have so far and hated it." — Joseph Mallozzi, December 16, 2009
- " I’ll go over what I have, rewrite and polish what I think works, toss out what doesn’t and start again. Eventually, I’ll get a rhythm going and I’ll be able to ride that out to the script’s conclusion. Come the top of the fifth act, it’s smooooooooooooooth sailing." — Joseph Mallozzi, December 17, 2009
- "I worked on those first eighteen pages of my script and, after several re-reads and tweaks, I’ve gone from “hate” to “mere dislike”. I hope that further rewrites will improve my opinion to “firm ambivalence” before I leave for Montreal. In the meantime, I’ve forged ahead with the next scene – a toughie – and hope to be out of Act II by the weekend. Hopefully inspiration strikes and I can roll through Act III in time for my Montreal departure next week." — Joseph Mallozzi, December 18, 2009
- "Oh, that outline I couldn’t find before leaving for my Tokyo trip? Whereabouts still unknown. However, I do vaguely recall looking for an out-of-the-way place to hide it just in case my place was broken into while I was out for the day." — Joseph Mallozzi, December 20, 2009