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- ...arctica—thereby emitting an energy beam that obliterated the Goa'uld System Lord Anubis and his attack force, saving Earth. Then, with his mind overwri ...weapons at the site. All normal Stargate activity has been suspended until all the involved world governments can agree on control of the Antarctic site.8 KB (1,270 words) - 16:47, 24 March 2006
- The Asgard installed their beaming technology (transporter system) in the ''Prometheus''. Because the Earth vessel was not equipped with the When former System Lord Ba'al was found to be living on Earth and building his power as a busi11 KB (1,621 words) - 10:39, 5 March 2006
- ...Stargates from the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies into one transportation system. The project required that the Atlantis Expedition find unused Stargates, p ...the Station was complete, people could live and travel on foot through the system much like at a train station. The view from the Station is incredible, for12 KB (1,905 words) - 05:39, 11 March 2009
- ...ettings, many extremely realistic. Through the dreams Sha're conveyed two messages, to forgive Teal'c for what he needed to do and to find her son the harsesi When Osiris invaded the Asgard lab in the Adara system, the Goa'uld and Jaffa discovered Samantha Carter there (5.22 "Revelations"18 KB (2,903 words) - 20:42, 23 January 2008
- ...stiny''. They discovered that they may input their needs into the computer system and the ''Destiny'' will propose several planets within range that had a hi ...oal:''' Find calcium carbonate to scrub carbon dioxide from the air supply system aboard ''Destiny''.12 KB (1,965 words) - 20:41, 3 January 2010
- ...and Carter learned of Cimmeria's culture from Gairwyn; their entire belief system is based on worship of the Asgard, and they believe Thor or others of his k Cimmeria in an Asgard mothership, destroyed the Goa'uld ships, and made all of the Jaffa disappear. He explained who he was to Gairwyn and promised to22 KB (3,538 words) - 20:50, 14 November 2007
- ...ill perish within days. But when ''Destiny'''s flight path towards a solar system reveals the existence of three planets, they hope that one of them is habit Meanwhile Eli records individual messages from the crew in case they don’t survive.9 KB (1,431 words) - 07:22, 4 April 2010
- ...'': 1.06 "Water"). Over 80% of the ship is not accessible due to damage or system failures (''Stargate Universe'': 1.07 "Earth"). The stranded crew is gradua ...'s programming, but he also has become the ship's documentarian, recording messages and off-world missions. Col. Young has also instructed Eli to use the kino28 KB (4,208 words) - 17:59, 28 March 2013
- ...l of Wisdom. In each of these three locations, the Asgard left holographic messages, but in the case of the Hall of Might and the Hall of Wisdom, direct commun ...all contact was cut off with them after their ulterior motives for killing all of Earth's population and taking the planet for themselves was discovered.19 KB (2,695 words) - 15:15, 19 October 2010
- ...the Asgard placed Earth in their Protected Planets Treaty with the Goa'uld System Lords and gave the SGC starships shield and weapons technology. ...itain, and France. At first, the three representatives thought that it was all a joke, but soon realized that what the General was saying was indeed the t33 KB (5,073 words) - 16:38, 13 February 2009
- NID agents use these sites to post coded messages. If I know Maybourne, he's keeping tabs on his old buddies.</blockquote> All right, Major.</blockquote>37 KB (5,800 words) - 19:35, 8 December 2005
- All right, John, it's been almost a month. When are you going to stop trying to All right, one, two, three.</blockquote>64 KB (9,803 words) - 22:24, 31 August 2010
- ...f the Asgard Legacy, the Tau'ri are the only race which has sole access to all of the knowledge and technology of the now extinct Asgard race. ...with an event horizon similar to a glass being filled, bottom to top, and all seven chevrons will instantly light. Likely, similar rules to Stargate dial22 KB (3,267 words) - 09:45, 25 September 2008
- Well, according to the Ancient database, it should be able to take out all three when fully charged. Keep in mind that the Ancient technology is far s All right. You're back on active duty.</blockquote>51 KB (7,998 words) - 23:45, 6 August 2011
- All of it. How long?</blockquote> All right. Well Teal'c and I have secured the immediate area, we're going to ch46 KB (7,346 words) - 19:29, 8 December 2005
- ...trays. Across from them, Daniel is asleep, his head on his hands. They are all wearing black BDU's.] Trust me. Like a kid who was up all night on Christmas Eve.</blockquote>65 KB (10,309 words) - 22:31, 29 December 2006
- ...ion, you simply exit the Pegasus gate system, and enter the Milky Way gate system, where a similar macro, designed by yours truly, will forward you along to The mid-way space station isn't completed yet, so we will be testing the system today using a puddle jumper. Now the…</blockquote>66 KB (10,347 words) - 22:14, 31 August 2008
- Isn't that the planet with all the kids?</blockquote> I contacted your unit commander at Peterson, but, um, sometimes those messages don't seem to reach you.</blockquote>56 KB (8,800 words) - 20:59, 28 June 2009
- the power of the Ori. When the free Jaffa on Kallana refused, they were all killed, and their planet converted into a micro-singularity that was destin, the Project overloaded and destroyed five-sixths of the Dorandan solar system (which, fortunately, was uninhabited). (''Stargate Atlantis'': 2.06 "Trinit55 KB (8,677 words) - 09:26, 6 March 2010
- ...Over time, the Ori became extremists in their religion and sought to kill all those who did not see ascension as they did. There is a great responsibilit ...planes. The form of punishment of each individual's crimes varies, but in all cases known to-date, The Others have not destroyed another Ascended Being.61 KB (10,068 words) - 19:00, 20 October 2010