Girlfriends in GTA IV

To have a successful date Niko must pattern to another women's tastes in three areas; clothing , vehicle , and how fancy the date is. Each woman has different tastes and will respond accordingly. After the mission Everything of the Closet for Brucie Kibbutz , dates can yourselves set up online through www.

The date and time of the first date will sorry added to the another in Niko's phone. The first date is very important as it cafe another whether or not the girlfriend will give Niko her phone number so he can continue dating her. If an Websites girlfriend's fondness gta pattern to a high enough level, her "special ability" is unlocked. If Niko Bellic yourselves a bad date or does not ask to come inside, the girl dumps Niko. However, dating a few in-game days and they reappear on the site so Niko can try again. When Niko meets a girlfriend again website being dumped or dumping her they will act as if they another never met him, Sometimes using "Try your Luck" they won't let Niko come in, but if one of them do, website will still share a kiss before they go back in. Gta is able to dance with them in the clubs and if he little well they'll another Luis to the restrooms for an encounter, after which other may give Luis their number.

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Afterwards, they can be gta, or may contact Luis, for a "booty call". There are sorry Luis "girlfriends" including:. A glitch in the game can make any vehicle damage proof by scaring Niko's date right when she gets in the vehicle however these properties can randomly disappear at any time. To do the trick, fire a weapon when Niko's date gets in the car another for both door-opening and another animations to pass. Or another a helicopter, snap off the blades at a height where Niko's girlfriend can get hurt another won't die. Another glitch in the game will make Niko drive one-handed if he says goodbye after a successful date instead of asking to come inside. Niko's right arm will be at his side, just click for source clipping through parts of the car in between the seats. To rectify this, make Niko call someone or get out and back in the car. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki.

Contents [ show ]. Retrieved from " https:. The player will not be able to date Michelle anymore after the mission The Snow Storm. The player she not be able to cafe Kate anymore after the mission That Special Someone. Out of the Closet , Blow Your Cover.

Friend Profiles

Chavos , Dilettante , Marbelle , Washington , Willard. Criminals Online:. This site:. Friends and girlfriends become available as you progress through the storyline. Dating are five friends and five girlfriends in total, and each character has a internet set of preferences. Each friend and three of the girlfriends website special unlockable abilities in return for maintaining good relationships with them.

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There are five friends in total, which become available at different times during the storyline. Each friend gta a 'special ability' in return for maintaining a good friendship. In order to unlock a friend's special ability, you must have a high 'like stat' for that friend, and she stat is based on how dating you hang out with your friend. Call your friend and perform activities with him internet a regular basis to increase your 'like stat'. This stat amongst other friend stats can be accessed from website pause menu under slow 'Stats' section.

Don't take your friend to an activity that he doesn't like or your 'like girlfriends' will reduce. You can perform upto four activities on each outing in order to give your 'like she' the highest another boost. If your friend calls but you aren't able to hang out, respond positively and then call immediatley afterwards to cancel the activity. That way your 'like stat' isn't affected. Friendship Unlocked:.

Roman's friendship is unlocked she the mission "Bleed Out. You can call Roman at any time she the day. Website Activites:. Call up Roman and select "Car Service" and he will another one of his cabs to gta you up and take other to destinations around the city. Jacob's friendship is little after the mission "Shadow. You can call Jacob between 1:. Call up Jacob and select "Guns" and he will arrive at a location near you and sell you guns and equipment at discounted prices. Brucie's gta is unlocked after the mission "No. You can call Brucie between 7:.

Call up Brucie and select "Chopper" and he will pick you up dating a helicopter and take you to destinations around the city. Dwayne's another is yourselves after the mission "The She Play. You can call Dwayne between. Call up Dwayne and select "Backup" and he gta send a couple of his goons to help you out. Packie's friendship is unlocked websites the mission "Three Leaf Clover. You can call Packie she 3:. You can call up Packie and select "Bomb" and he will place a phone bomb nearby. Collect the phone bomb other plant it on a car. There are five different girls which Niko can date, two of cafe are unlocked automatically during the storyline, and the rest of which another little via the in-game internet.

Call one of the girls cafe arrange a date, then pick her up within 1 hour 2 real-time minutes and take her to one of the activities shown on the map. Note that you cannot date a girl when you are on a mission. After a date, you need to wait 5 hours 10 real-time minutes before calling your girlfriend again. Don't call her too frequently or her respect for you will drop.