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"Brad then [pitched] out [his revised] notion for an [idea] he’s been [batting] around for a [while] now. A great [premise with] an [intriguing] mystery at [its] core, a wonderful [opportunity] for one of our characters, all wrapped up in an [ultimately touching] theme." — Joseph Mallozzi (March 16, 2009) "This one looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun and Carl is looking forward to it." — Joseph Mallozzi (June 3, 2009)
When the crew suffers from vivid hallucinations that tap into their personal fears, Tamara Johansen isolates the affected from the rest and then tries to seek out the cause of the affliction as it spreads and becomes life-threatening.<br/><br/>{{EpNavLine|epname=SGU 1.17 "Pain"|ratings=0|poll=0|wallpapers=0|screencaps=0}}

Latest revision as of 17:20, 1 May 2010

When the crew suffers from vivid hallucinations that tap into their personal fears, Tamara Johansen isolates the affected from the rest and then tries to seek out the cause of the affliction as it spreads and becomes life-threatening.

Guide | Transcript