Since our original report on Prometheus Unbound there have been changes in the information about the episode.

The character of Vala and Daniel’s interaction with her have changed. Vala is now more dryly humorous and cynical, and uses her looks to try to distract Daniel. Daniel is more knowledgeable about the workings of the Prometheus, even if he doesn’t admit it to her at first. He remains skeptical of her motives and is not fooled by her attempts to manipulate him. There appears to be some great banter between the two.

Vala’s backstory has changed as well. The Tok’ra incited a rebellion on Vala’s planet, against the Goa’uld Gyn’ar. When the rebellion succeeded, Gyn’ar was tortured for days, along with Vala, who was the unwilling host. The Tok’ra removed Gyn’ar from Vala. Soon after, the Tok’ra left and another Goa’uld came on the scene, Camulus. With the capability for space travel, some of Vala’s people escaped in ships, some of those ending up on a nearby inhabitable moon. Camulus’ forces were in turn defeated by Ba’al, who is now scouring the territory looking for survivors. Vala claims her purpose is to rescue the people trapped on the moon and relocate them to a safe, Goa’uld-free planet.

Vala has programmed the Prometheus to travel to her homeworld, and locked Daniel out of the navigation system. As he is arguing with her about it, he sees a ship appear on the radar – an Al’kesh. She is convinced it is an enemy vessel, but Daniel isn’t sure – it could be Hammond and the others.

Meanwhile aboard the diabled Al’kesh, instead of Pendergast there is now Reynolds, presumably the Colonel we have seen before (Col. Reynolds). There appears to be a slim hope of fixing the Al’kesh using some spare parts from the nearby disabled cargo ship. It appears the Prometheus was on a rescue mission when they were duped by Vala.

Venturing into editorial for a moment, the revised information indicates a stronger and more interesting episode, at least in terms of Daniel and Vala’s interaction. We were pleased to see this and are looking forward to the episode very much.


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