Maureen Ryan
Chicago Tribune
BACK TO THE FUTURE: Ben Browder of “Farscape” fame is joining the cast of “Stargate SG-1” in the show’s upcoming ninth season, and executive producers Brad Wright and Robert Cooper have already decided that Browder’s character will be a military guy, part of a Stargate team viewers haven’t seen yet on the Sci Fi show.
“Specifically, he’s the [pilot] that led the squadron that fought [an enemy named] Anubis in Antarctica,” Wright wrote in an e-mail. “He was badly injured when his fighter crashed, nearly killed but was promised a place on SG-1 if he made it back to fighting form.”
Here’s my e-mail exchange with Brad:
Q: How did Ben’s name come up in connection with SG-1? Was there a desire to add a character to the ninth season, and the names of various actors came up? Or was Ben the only actor that was under consideration?
A: Actually, we asked casting to generate a list as we usually do, but we’ve been interested in working with Ben for some time. Meeting him for the first time in San Diego at Comicon last year reinforced that interest.
Q: Did Sci Fi Channel execs or anyone at MGM suggest Ben, or was it an idea cooked up by you and Robert Cooper? Or did Ben just show up at your house and demand a part?
A: We already knew that the execs at Sci Fi were fans of Ben because of Farscape, so we were on the same page. Ben was the only actor we made an offer to.
Q: Do you have strong ideas about the character that Ben will be playing, or is his character still being developed?
A: Rob and I had talked at length about the character and he came up with a very interesting backstory. You should actually ask Rob about that, since he’s writing the script introducing his character. [Ed note: I plan on doing just that.]
Q: Related to the question above, if Ben’s character has already been somewhat defined — will his character be a member of the military? A Stargate SG-1 team member? An alien? Can you talk at all about what kind of man Ben will be playing?
A: Rob will tell you this, but yes, he’s a military man. Specifically, he’s the F-302 pilot (our Earth-designed space fighter) that led the squadron that fought Anubis in Antarctica. He was badly injured when his fighter crashed, nearly killed but was was promised a place on SG-1 if he made it back to fighting form.
I’m not concerned with Crichton comparisons that may arise. SG-1 is a unit of the U.S. Air Force and so he should be an officer, but it’s a very different show.
Q: When does filming begin for Season 9 (are you already in production for Season 9, or are you still filming Season 8)? And is Ben committed to be in the entire season, or only in a certain number of episodes? Is he committed beyond Season 9?
A: We’ll start shooting Season 9 at the beginning of March. (I can’t believe I just said that)
Ben will be with us for the entire season and if we keep going, he’ll keep going. (I’m not so sure if I’ll keep going 😉
Q: Everyone’s been commenting on how similar Ben and Michael Shanks look — is there any possibility that their characters will be related?
A: No, they won’t be related but once we’ve shaved Ben’s head it will be far easier to tell them apart 😉 We’ll come up with something. I’m not worried about it.
Q: Is Richard Dean Anderson coming back at all for Season 9? There was some talk of 4 appearances for Season 9, but has anything been confirmed? If he does not come back for Season 9, what happens to him at the end of Season 8?
A: O’Neill will continue to be a part of the SG-1 universe. Whether we actually SEE him is up to Rick, but the character will continue to exist on or off screen. He may appear in one or two or more episodes. But let me add this: I handed over the reins of the SG-1 to Robert in season seven because I needed a rest and wanted to spend more time with my family.
That’s all Rick wants to do, and I don’t blame him. I came back. The door is open for Rick to do the same.
[Next season] Claudia is going to appear in a five-episode arc in the role of Vala. She’s great. You’ll get to see just why we wanted to bring her back in “Prometheus Unbound,” which has yet to air.
Q: Can you confirm that Claudia Black will come back during Season 9? Would having Claudia and Ben on the same episode(s) of SG-1 be a great opportunity to get Farscape fans to check out SG-1, in your mind?
A: I think Claudia and Ben should bring a few “Farscape” fans aboard, but that’s not why we’re doing this. They’re great actors. Claudia has already proven herself on our show.
Q: Have you heard/read any feedback on Ben’s casting from SG-1 fans? From “Stargate” fans? Are both camps generally happy with the news? What’s the general feeling you’ve been getting from people?
A: As to whether or not the “camps” will be happy — I honestly don’t worry about that. We do read what is posted on the ‘net but then we make our shows the way we think they should be made. We’ll see.
Q: In Season 9, is there a desire to do more off-world, mythology stories? Or will they be more Earth-set?
A: Forgive me, but this question drives me nuts.
Despite the fact that I think the Earth-based stories are important to the series, it is not entirely a creative decision. Since the beginning we’ve done Earth-based stories to offset the costs of offworld stories. We don’t have unlimited resources. It is a fact that Earth-based shows are — generally speaking — less expensive to produce. (Antarctica doesn’t count).
Off-world stories require visual effects, matte paintings, otherworldly sets, remote locations, costumes, props and set [decoration] that all has to be constructed to our standards. I know that fans hate that answer but that’s the way it is. It is NOT our inability to come up with stories that take place on other planets.
Q: Regarding Season 9, can you talk a bit about the general direction or theme of the season? Will there be any crossovers to Atlantis?
A: Season 9 will have a new beginning with a new enemy. I think once you’ve seen the end of Season 8 you’ll understand why we’re doing that. Yes, I hope there will be cross over between the two series. I have an idea but I’m still working it out.
Q: Is Don S. Davis coming back in Season 9?
A: Possibly. Nothing has been set.
Q: What do you think Ben will bring to SG-1 — what are you personally most excited about, regarding his coming to the show?
A: I think it’s going to be fun to have him around.
Posted with permission of the author: our grateful thanks to Maureen Ryan