EXCLUSIVE! Incredible new direction for S9

“Season 9 will have a new beginning with a new enemy,” Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis Executive Producer and writer Brad Wright told Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune. “I think once you’ve seen the end of Season 8 you’ll understand why we’re doing that.”

Meanwhile, Stargate SG-1 Executive Producer and writer Robert C. Cooper told SCI FI Wire, the news website of broadcasters Sci Fi Channel, that the ninth season would introduce new villains and take the show in a new direction. “While we say new direction…the concept of the series is very much pulled from the mythology of SG-1, and I think fans are going to be very excited about the direction we’re going. One of the things we’re going to be exploring in season nine is the origin of the Ancients and the Gatebuilders. And it’s something I know fans have been sort of very curious about, and have sort of asked to see. And that is … one of the things we’re really going to be delving into…Who the Ancients really are, and where they came from, and we may even get a chance to go there.”

Now Stargate SG-1 Solutions is hearing from its sources that the writers will be incorporating classic – and eternally popular – Arthurian legend into Stargate’s rich mythology. As well as introducing new enemies, Season 9 will explore the fascinating myths of Camelot, Avalon and Excalibur within Stargate’s distinctive universe.

The key to this incredible new direction for the show?

Merlin was an Ancient!

And the questions Stargate SG-1’s resourceful, mythology-hungry fans are sure to be asking themselves? Merlin’s magical powers rooted in Ancient technology? Arthur being able to draw the sword from the stone because he possessed the Ancient gene? Excalibur a powerful Ancient weapon? Camelot and Avalon worlds SG-1 will journey to? Oma Desala as the Lady Of The Lake? Daniel and the team embarked on a Grail quest?

Let the speculation begin…

Discuss the incredible new mythological direction of the show at SG1Solutions Forum

Merlin biography
Arthurian resources
Voice of the Shuttle: Arthurian studies
King Arthur
The Camelot Project

9 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE! Incredible new direction for S9”

  1. This is really exciting and, quite frankly, ironic. I’m a student in college and I am taking a class on the history of early Ireland. I am also a classics major. So, when I heard that Stargate was going to start into the story of Atlantis I read Plato’s Kritias, which describes the city of Atlantis. One interesting tidbit on the city was that it existed in a series of concentric circles and, not thinking much of it, I moved on. Then in my Early Ireland class I learned that the Celts lived in circle dwellings, which were called dunns, or, more excitingly, raiths. There also remains of the Celts symbols, one common one in particular has circles within circles- I imagine like the city of Atlantis.

    Also, I am a great fan of the Marion Zimer Bradley books, which depicts the ways of the goddess at Avalon. Her novel The Mists of Avalon tells the story of King Arthur, but through the eyes of the women in the story. The lastest novel of Bradley’s series, adopted and written by Diana L. Paxton, is called the Ancestors of Avalon and tells the story of the fall of Atlantis and the Atlantean escape to the Brisish Isle. It is in the British Isles where the religion of the goddess was founded and the myth of Avalon was thought to have begun.

    Needless to say I am very excited with direction of Stargate. I can’t wait till next season!

  2. jack still better be in all of the series 9 espisodes coz without jack the show wood be nothing and sam and jack better be together or ill scream

  3. Sorry guys, it’s already been confirmed that RDA’s not coming back for season 9. Well, not as a permanent cast member. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t turn up as a guest star once or twice. Still this IS exciting. I can’t wait to see the new season ^_^

  4. season 9 should be allsome, new plots
    weapons who cares if rda don’st come back sam kicks as_

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