WIKI: can you help?

Our intrepid little band of Solutions Adminners have been working their asses off for 2 years now to bring you the most comprehensive and in-depth Stargate SG-1 information and resources. Had we been content to write the brief summaries other sites are offering up, we’d have been done ten times over. Instead, we set out to be distinctively different, to support the information needs of committed fans and fanfiction writers, and to present all information to you in a completely accessible and searchable format.

This led to the creation of our Wiki knowledge base which is ever-growing and expanding. We are in desperate need of volunteers to write articles for the Wiki. Some articles are long, some are short, but all clearly explain the science or mythology or technology or history behind a key Stargate SG-1 place, person, theme or thing, and relate it to events from the episodes.

We are looking in particular for writers for any of these most wanted Wiki pages. Can you help? We desperately need you.

You don’t need to have any whizzy html skills, just a few afternoons or evenings of your time to review episodes for one of these key topics and write up your findings in a straight-forward, objective way. You’ll have all the help we can give 🙂

If you can contribute an article, just drop us a line. Please. Help us.

Our thanks.