Farscape producers wish Ben Browder well

Rockne S. O’Bannon, Farscape creator/executive producer

“That’s great news for Stargate. When I heard about it, my first question to Ben was: ‘Exactly how many fan conventions do you think you can do in a year, anyway?’ For the record, though, the first time Ben’s character uses the word ‘Frell,’ my lawyers are going to be all over his ass!”

David Kemper, Farscape executive producer

“When Ben told me about his new role, three things sprang simultaneously to mind, all being mutually compatible. One: the wonderful folks at Stargate are getting one hell of a talented actor. Two: Ben is joining an exceptional show that should afford him plenty of chances to spread his wings and captivate everyone who watches. Three: the fans win all around.”

“I am, however, troubled that he insists on gaining 100lbs to play the part. I keep thinking that when they said he’d be a ‘military heavyweight’ in the show, they had something else in mind…Maybe I’m wrong. Either way, I’ll be watching.”

Richard Manning, Farscape co-executive producer

“I’m delighted – Ben’s got steady work. This is always something to celebrate: doubly so for someone as talented as Ben… It’s a shame any time he’s not working.”

David Bassom, Dreamwatch #126, February 2005