We’re happy to announce that the winner of January’s TRADING POSTS promo on our SG1Solutions fan forum is: DeeKayP with 120 posts 🙂 Debi chose as her prize the Stargate SG-1 Season 5 DVD box set (pictured.)
And congratulations to our runner up posters on the SG1Solutions forum this month:
Prince 3030 with 100 posts
DreamSteph with 94 posts
JayB111 with 73 posts
February’s most prolific poster gets one of the following goodies delivered direct to their door 🙂
An autographed photo signed by any member of the main cast – from the official Stargate SG-1 charity autographs site.
Stargate SG-1 ‘Dr. Daniel Jackson’ T-shirt – from Creation, sizes S, M, L or XL
Stargate SG-1 Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 DVD Box Set – choose any one season from 1-6 (PAL or NTSC, Region 1 or 2)
MacGyver Season 1 DVD Box Set – (released Jan 25th, NTSC,requires Region 1 or region-free DVD player)
You can join us on our SG1Solutions fan forum: all are welcome 🙂