More spoilers from writer and Executive Producer Joseph Mallozzi, courtesy of Gateworld forum:
Q: My questions for you are, what was your favorite episode to write?
A: Honestly – my favorite episode to write was the last one I scripted, The Ties That Bind.
Q: Do you have a preferance in what type of stories you like to write, or what characters you like to write for?
A: I like to write scripts with at least some possibility for humor. As for characters I like to write for – Mitchell and Daniel were a blast to write for in the aforementioned episode.
Q: What is the most difficult part about writing for Stargate?
A: I’ve never been a fan of the “techy” episodes and find those particularly challenging to write.
Q: Will Carter’s new position take her off-world (e.g. working at the Alpha site or on the Prometheus or Deadalus?) or is it an earth-bound position?
A: When season 9 kicks off, Carter will be far, far away.
Q: We know Amanda will be back, but for the characters do they consider Sam’s new position to be permanent or temporary? IOW, will they be surprised when she returns?
A: They could be surprised but, honestly, after everything these guys have seen over the past 8 years, I doubt very much that anything surprises them anymore.
Q: When Sam returns, who will be in command of SG-1?
A: When she returns, Mitchell is leading SG-1. Do you mean who will be leading the team when she re-joins SG-1?
Q: I know I am in the minority here, but I like seeing Daniel in action mode, will we be seeing more of his fighting skills in season 9?
A: Season 9 = more of Daniel fighting, investigating, translating, studying, confronting, blowing his top, getting beat up – and then some.