StargateWiki Is World Wide Web Famous

The first brave steps into a very large universe

They Know Us

The Stargate SG-1 Solutions Wiki (StargateWiki) is becoming famous on the World Wide Web. Less than a year after it first appeared on the Solutions website, it has already been brought to Stargate SG-1 fans’ attention by, the home of Stargate SG-1, itself! A link and brief explanation of our wiki database can be found on their SCIFI.COM Web Guide. Included with the URL for the wiki is the very nice description: “Collaborative Wiki encyclopedia for Stargate SG-1 provides an excellent information resource for fans of the show–more than a thousand articles, and growing.” They even keep track of how many of their visitors have checked the wiki out through their site (at the time of this writing, it was 348).

The referral of our site isn’t the only spot you’ll see a link available to the general Internet public. A very well-placed link to the StargateWiki can be found at the international Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia website. Both wikis use the same wiki engine, MediaWiki, created for public use by the non-profit foundation, The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. The link for our wiki is in the encyclopedia’s Stargate SG-1 article, an appropriate place, and only one of a few which are recognized as a true external resource for all things related to the program.

What We Have To Offer

As the Web Guide states, the StargateWiki is growing. At this moment, it has 1441 articles—all of them searchable. That’s one of the beauties of the wiki, each and every article can be searched with a click of a button. If you’re interested in every episode in which Daniel said, “I have no idea,” then simply input the words in the search box (with the quotation marks to group the words together) and click GO. The list of transcript articles which is returned from the query will give you a starting point in your research. Was he always saying it when they were in the thick of things? It is a great way to get to know the character.

As far as other character lines of distinguishment, try out “magnets” for Jack, “Indeed” for Teal’c, and “with all due respect” for Carter (some other people have said this, but she has said it the most), and “Open the iris” for Hammond. Once you go to a specific article, use your browser’s “find in top window” function to go to the exact line.

Transcripts aren’t the only types of articles that appear in the wiki, although they are by far among the most popular. Another popular type of article is that of Episode Guides. Each and every episode has its own article with a small image gallery (we call it our image mosaics), official summaries, regular cast, guest cast, production credits, links to other wiki articles of interest (based off of keywords), and external links (those outside the wiki itself) which list other Internet resources for the episode (including discussion forums, fanfiction, and multimedia resources).

These features are basic to a good resource site, no doubt, but the StargateWiki offers much more. It links the main Solutions website into its content through filming location photo galleries. Want to see the pictures that Jack O’Neill kept in his office? How about what was in Teal’c’s neighborhood? It’s all there.

No knowledge database would be complete without the encyclopedia portion of the articles. Would you like to know about the Aliens, Characters, Planets, Directors, Writers, Actors, Mythology, Science, Technology, and Organizations of the Stargate SG-1 universe? The StargateWiki offers articles in these categories, and more, including a list of resources for fanfic writers.

What can you look forward to as the StargateWiki approaches its first birthday (the first wiki article was Arrom, entered at 3:54AM PDT on June 15, 2004)? You can expect alien language dictionaries, as well as more articles in the established categories. It is a long process to populate the StargateWiki, but the end result is something you can be confident in as having been researched and cross-referenced in as an accurate manner as is humanly possible.

Recent Articles Of Mass Proportions

  • Ancients – A collection of articles on the Ancients, builders of the Stargates.
  • Alpha Site – A profile on each planet used by the SGC as their secret off-world base.
  • Hadante – A planet visited by SG-1 in one of its episodes, an example of the care taken in writing planet articles.
  • Cloning – A presentation on some of the science behind the TV show.
  • Planets By Episode – A list of each planet visited in each episode.

Hearing From Users

The StargateWiki team would love to hear from the readers of the articles written for their fellow Stargate SG-1 fans. Each article has a signature at the bottom which directs you to the profile of the team member who either wrote the article or placed it in the database. Use the e-mail address given in that member’s profile, or the main e-mail address provided on the front page of the wiki to direct your comments. If you have general questions about the content of the wiki, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

A Final Note About The StargateWiki

The StargateWiki will never be complete! As the TV program continues to air, new articles are written and old ones are updated. Let us hope that we’ll be doing both for many years to come!

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