Find out what we’re doing when it appears nothing is happening on the wiki
The Stargate SG-1 Solutions Wiki (StargateWiki) has been populated with over 1600 articles since it was started just a little over a year ago. The number of articles continues to grow, but perhaps you’ve seen that the pace at which they are being introduced has slowed down some. No worries, it’s just that we’re also updating articles!
Solutions’ main page lists all of the new articles which appear in the wiki with the most recent on top, but you won’t know if an article has been updated. Sometimes, we’ll announce some major changes which we’ll tell you about in the Blog, but, for the most part, the smaller updates will go unnoticed.
But, contrary to what Vala says, size doesn’t matter! It’s the “quality” of the update which might be of interest to you. So, here’s a little hint at how to find out what we’re doing behind the scenes when it appears we aren’t doing anything at all:
Use the “Recent changes” option in the wiki menu. It will show you the most recent change on top of the list and the editor will have made a comment as to what kind of change it is. Sometimes, changes are only for spelling or grammatical errors, but other times, they are for addition of Season Nine SPOILERS! So, if you’re following spoilers, make sure you check the recent changes list to see if we’ve updated an episode guide for one of the episodes which has yet to air. Of course, spoilers aren’t the only reasons why we update articles. Some articles are Works In Progress (WIPs) which might have just been finished.
The “Recent changes” option is the third in the “navigation” menu which appears under the Stargate image on the left-hand side of your screen.
Hopefully, the use of “Recent changes” will help you get more out of your wiki experience and keep you in the loop when we get a scoop.