The Genii have decided that the best way to destroy Wraith hive ships is to use Atlantis’ Puddle Jumpers to deliver their nuclear weapons directly onto the ships through suicide missions.
Cowan, the Genii leader, has decided that the best way to defeat the Wraith hive ships is to obtain Atlantis’ supply of Puddle Jumpers to deliver their nuclear weapons as close to the ships as possible. Sheppard had decided to use this very same tactic when Atlantis was under siege by the Wraith just recently. (1.20 “The Siege Part 2”).
On an off-world mission, Major Lorne’s team has gone missing, their last whereabouts incinerated. Dr. Peel, an Atlantis scientist, was being escorted by the team on a planet where she had been helping the villagers produce abundant crops. While she was downstairs, the team was attacked upstairs, apparently by someone using Wraith weapons. Maj. Lorne ordered her to get to the Stargate and she called for help.
Ladon, a Genii, and a small group of his friends, including his sister, Dahlia Radim, are staging a rebellion. All of them, however, appear to have an illness which will eventually lead to their deaths. Dr. Beckett attempts to discover a way to cure them. Ladon, however, is not the leader he appears to be as Sheppard soon finds out…
Guest Characters
Genii: Ladon, Dahlia Radim, Cowan; Atlantis: Maj. Lorne, Dr. Peel
This episode is still in production at this time, and information is incomplete. Be aware that things can, and do, change at times in the actual filming.