S9 SPOILERS: "Arthur's Mantle"



Mitchell and Carter are sent into another dimension after activating a personal cloaking device. While Daniel leads an investigation to find his missing teammates, Mitchell and Carter decide to use the technology to their advantage by pursuing a similarly cloaked assassin on the Sodan homeworld. It just so happens that Teal’c is trapped on the same planet after the assassin’s attack and has also decided to pursue the assassin with his own personal cloak.


Mitchell and Carter disappear! The security cameras at the base recorded their last location, then, suddenly, they were gone.

Teal’c and Major Hadden’s team, SG-9, have gone to the Sodan homeworld and encountered a massacre at the Stargate. They transport to the Sodan’s hideaway using the codes given to Col. Mitchell after he gained their trust (“Babylon”). When they arrive, they are shocked and stunned to find that someone has burnt the village to the ground and killed several Jaffa there. Someone who knew the codes to the transporter had to have done this.

Teal’c examines some of the dead Jaffa and realizes that whoever did the deed knew the best way to kill a Jaffa — targeting the symbiote. They discover Haikon still alive, but his symbiote is dead. Quickly, they decide to administer tretonin to save his life.

Back at the SGC, Mitchell and Carter realize that they are phased out similar to the way that Daniel was several years ago after the process of looking into the Crystal Skull was interrupted (“Crystal Skull”). While Mitchell tries to get over the shock of what has happened to him, Daniel leads the investigation to find them.

Maj. Hadden and Teal’c realize that they have become stranded on Sodan because the obelisk housing the transporter has been damaged. Unable to get back to the Stargate, Hadden becomes uneasy and grows fatalistic. They’ve discovered that it was Volnek (“Babylon”) who attacked the village. Teal’c decides to use one of the Sodan personal cloaking devices to track down Volnek, who is also using one. They will be able to see each other when their cloaks are activated.

Mitchell and Carter watch as Daniel makes progress in his investigation and soon they learn about what Volnek has done. Convinced that they are invincible, Mitchell decides to go after Volnek while still invisible…

Guest Characters

SGC: Major Hadden of SG-9; SG-9 members Lt. McKenzie, Conway, Stevens; Dr. Bill Lee.
Sodan: Volnek, Haikon.


Written by: Alan McCullough
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Before Cameras: September 15-23

Spoilers are subject to change as the episode is still in production.

“Arthur’s Mantle” Episode Guide