StargateProps Seek Web Designer

Our friends at the fabulous Stargate Props and Stargate Autographs websites are on the lookout for a web designer to help them finalise their site makeover. Company president Paul Brown has asked us to spread the word here at Solutions. If you have the proven skills to help, please contact Paul directly at the email address below.


Over the past few weeks we have been working towards a redesign of our STARGATEPROPS.COM and STARGATE-AUTOGRAPHS.COM websites. As we have been so busy developing our new range of licensed products, we have simply been too busy to complete this project. So we are now exploring the market to find someone to get this completed for us – preferably a Stargate fan!

In simple terms, we have the new design and webpage templates ready to go, but now need someone to finalise it for us. If you are experienced in editing Flash, HTML and Photoshop files and are interested in working on this project, then we’d love to hear from you! Please contact for more details.