Journalist Mary McNamara has written a very interesting piece for Multichannel News related once again to Stargate: SG-1’s longevity. But in this case she went up the chain from Bridge Studios to speak to the executives of Sci Fi Channel and MGM/Sony. There are many interesting revelations in the article which make it clear that Stargate is very important to all of those Powers That Be.
There is also renewed talk also of a theatrical release:
But MGM has big plans. Executive vice president Charles Cohen (see related story) says MGM “intends” to develop a theatrical movie “derived from the series over the last 10 years” that would ideally “dovetail” into a third Stargate television show.
Theatricals would “not in any way impair” SG1’s television run, he asserts. He believes it’s possible for three Stargate series to air concurrently, not unlike the Law & Order franchise. “If you look at SG-1 — with bringing in Claudia [Black], Ben [Browder] and Beau [Bridges] — we’ve retooled the series with it still being SG-1. I’d like to see SG-1 go another 10 years. I love the show. I’d like to keep it on forever and keep adding to it.”
Read the entire interview at Multichannel News. Be aware, there are minor spoilers for the 200th episode in the article.
Oh, geez, does “it’s likely covered in this script — a two-hanky ceremony brings Walter, the Gate Guy (the minor but beloved character who operates the stargate), to tears, and forbidden romances finally bloom” mean that Jack and Sam are getting married on the ramp?!?! And, by the way, that might be why he’s being demoted to “Captain”.
Seven writers and all they could come up with is that? All I can say is may this end the hints of J/S ship forever, but I’m not going to hold my breath.
Three Stargate series does sound ambitious. What does that mean? Will the veterans get to continue their careers or will they be replaced by less-known actors getting a start? It sounds to me that they want to continue Browder, Black, and Bridges…and Anderson…but no mention of what’s to become of Shanks, Judge, and Tapping.
This article was very interesting as far as what the execs are hoping to get from the SG universe. I hope they don’t put so much pressure on it that it collapses. I’d be curious to know what basis they have in mind for the second spin off, the obvious choice would be a show about one of the ships, but that’s getting dangerously into Star Trek territory and I’m getting tired of all these ‘homages’.
I do think that if they make fun of Jack/Sam in the 200th, it might very well be the end of the ship. But I don’t think they have the guts to do it, frankly. I think the forbidden romance will be something much sillier, perhaps involving Siler and his wrench
IF it’s a ‘forbidden romance’, what could be more forbidden than Jack and Daniel? Perhaps with the success of Brokeback Mountain, the writers would send a nod to the slashers out there. If it is the dreaded J/S it will be done in such a way that it’s a big farce and the shippers will feel even more hard done by.
I like the way you think, Nancy! If only the writers would do the same. Sadly I think even the actors might balk at such a nod. Maybe it will be Marty/Felger.
But I agree, if it’s J/S they make fun of, they will bring down upon themselves the wrath of the very vocal shipper contingent, in all its poorly spelled and unpunctuated glory.