SG-1 Novels Coming to North America

Up to now, the new series of officially licensed Stargate SG-1 novels have been available in English-speaking countries except for the US and Canada. Fans had to order from the UK and pay much higher shipping costs. Now the publisher, Fandemonium Books, has announced they have rights to sell the novels in North America, just as they already sell the Stargate Atlantis books. From Fandemonium:

Dear Stargate Fan,

We have some very exciting news for fans of our books who live in the USA and Canada: We can now sell STARGATE SG-1 novels in North America!

The first books in the STARGATE SG-1 series to be released in North America under the new license will be:

STARGATE SG-1: Trial by Fire
ISBN: 0-9547343-0-0
Release date: 19 June 2006

STARGATE SG-1: Sacrifice Moon
ISBN: 0-9547343-1-9
Release date: 5 July 2006

For more information on these two books, visit our website at

In the short-term, you will be able to begin purchasing them from our website (as they are released) or from In the longer term, we are working to get them into the retail book stores and larger chains such as Borders Books and Barnes & Noble. (If your book store doesn’t have these books in stock yet, they can special order them for you — just give them the title and ISBN number).

Thanks to Elyse at for the tip.

One thought on “SG-1 Novels Coming to North America”

  1. Just wanted to say I loved Sacrifice Moon, which I bought the expensive way. I hope more people get to enjoy it now!

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