Here is an excerpt from an interesting recent interview by War Cry with the creators of the new Stargate Worlds On-Line Role Playing Game:
The most amazing thing that was revealed to me during the interview was that the executive producers of the television series have stated categorically that any story—any environments and any experiences created for Stargate Worlds—will be treated as canon in the show. When, as it’s been promised, we see the Asgard homeworld in-game, anything we see there will then be relied upon and expanded upon in the television series. The greatest rallying cry from the developers and producers in the design of this game has been the decision to merge the storylines and backstories of both the game and tv series into one continuity, and then to allow each to provide context and background for the other to build off of.
Brad Wright has mentioned the money-making potential of the new game, and it’s clear the producers are staying involved with its creation. To read the entire interview, visit this link at
Also, the Stargate Worlds website has released new concept art and announced it won the award for “Most Anticipated MMO” game at the recent E3 convention. Visit
Thanks to Elyse at sg1_spoilme for the tips!