As the forum closes, our LJ opens!

It is with regret that we announce the closure of our Delphi forum, SG1Solutions. As the Solutions site has grown and grown over the past few years, the demands on our staffers and editorial team have also grown. In fact, we’ve grown so far and so fast, we’ve had to review the projects we can commit ourselves to.

The location of the forum on Delphi was problematic for some fans and monitoring the forum was becoming difficult to maintain. To help with both of these problems, we’ve decided to close the Delphi forum and encourage our visitors to post in our Livejournal community, SG1 Solutions instead. Unlike Delphi, you don’t have to pay to join and it’s completely ad free. The community is run by some of our Wiki writers and is a fun, informal setting in which to post and chat about the show, the characters, the actors and the Stargate world online, in print and in our lives.

Please join us in our LJ community! We’re kicking off with discussion of the latest episode, 10.01 Flesh And Blood.