Fan campaign website and list launched

As many members of the Stargate SG-1 Solutions editorial team and staffers have vast experience of fan campaigns through SDJ (Save Daniel Jackson) we’ve created a companion campaign site to act as a ‘how to’ guide to tried and tested strategies which proved succesful.  There’s also a Yahoo list open to anyone to join where campaigners can talk tactics and share ideas.

The success of the SDJ campaign lay in focusing fan efforts relentlessly on writing letters and postcards, and in reaching out beyond online fandom to offline fans and the wider television industry.

Please feel free to take these ideas out to your own lists, communities and campaign sites: the tactics *are* successful.  And please do give your site urls in the comments below.
Click here to visit 

2 thoughts on “Fan campaign website and list launched”

  1. “Make SG-1 the first major internet exclusive TV show?” -a poll from I think this is one of the best chances for not only SG-1, but also the advent of internet TV. Your vote could change the world of television.

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