In case you missed the “Sci Fi Inside: Stargate SG-1’s 200th Episode” special and “200” last Friday, you’ll get another chance when these re-air at 5pm and 6pm Eastern, respectively, on Friday, August 25.
Later in the evening, Season Ten’s next episode, “Counterstrike”, will air at SG-1’s regular time of 9pm Eastern, with a repeat at 11pm.
Is Solutions still going to be running when SG-1 is cancelled???…hope so u guys are good at what u do…thanx a million
I just got to say this: I watched, as painful as it was, parts of “Who Wants to be A Superhero” and I apologize if this offends anyone who likes this show but I am just dumbfounded that SciFi would cancel a quality show like Stargate Sg1 with good directing, great special effects, good stories and wonderful actors who draw you into their characters with such a stupid show. Whew, now I feel better.
As for Solutions, we will certainly be here long after the show has ended. There will always be news about the “franchise” and of course we have to keep working on the wiki! So don’t worry, Luis. 🙂
Ms. Lynda,
I agree with you “Who Wants To Be A Superhero ” and ‘WWE’ on the Sci-Fi channel ??? 2 of the dumbest things the powers that be could have done…Cancel a classy show SG-11 and throw this junk in????what were they thinking????