Shanks Video Interview at

Edited to add: as of Wednesday 9 August, the video excerpt is no longer showing on the site, and the interview was not included in the “Watch This” show on Tuesday night. We’ve found a direct URL for the interview video. Watch it here.

Continuing the media blitz for SG-1 episode “200,” Michael Shanks is interviewed on camera at Visit and click on the TV Guide box in the upper left corner to view an excerpt. The full interview is showing only on the TV Guide Channel, at 7 pm nightly Mon-Thu this week. The channel is available in many cable line-ups. Do what you can to view it, because Michael is charming and looks especially gorgeous in his new signature white tee-shirt and leather jacket. The piece is nicely edited, with multiple camera angles and clips from the show.

Thanks as usual to Elyse at sg1_spoilme for the tip!