Stargate Fan Awards Open for Voting

From the Stargate Fan Awards Team:

It’s finally time! The Stargate Fan Awards are now open for voting.

Yes, we’re a little — okay, a lot — behind schedule, but we think the delay was worth it and we believe you’ll appreciate the final product too. This year, we’re very excited to have a brand new voting structure to go along with our new nomination system.

As in the past, all nominated works are viewable to anyone who would like to look at the creations of the many talented authors and artists. The big change comes in the form of voting: we now require anyone who wishes to vote to first create an account and log in.

This new system addresses a concern that many of you, the fans, have expressed in the past. Your account will keep track of any and all votes that you have cast for the Stargate Fan Awards so that you may log in at any time to see in what categories and for whom you have voted. Not only that, but should you change your mind, you can modify your vote at any point up until the closing date of Sunday, September 24, 2006.

Authors and artists who have created an account previously in order to place their nominations can — and should! — use their existing accounts.

We *strongly* recommend that everyone read the voting rules here before creating their accounts. The team does not consider “Oh, I didn’t know about that” a viable excuse and we’d hate for anyone’s works or votes to be disqualified due to a violation of a plainly stated rule.

Also new this year: for nominees, there is a special icon you can place next to your nominated work(s). You’ll find it on the SGFA eFic page.

This year, we have nearly 2500 eligible nominations, embracing the SG-1 and Atlantis fandoms and encompassing fic and multimedia. So if you’re ready to settle in to read fanfic, click your way through fan art, and sit back to watch fan music videos, then head on over to The Awards where you will find links to the nominations and be able to create your account.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ page, found here:

Or, you can email us. Check out our contact page here in order to find the “department” you need, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

We wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone for their ongoing patience and support; it’s been quite a learning curve for all of us and our webmistress, Kelly, was unable to rely on the rest of the technologically inept team for much help in coding. 🙂 Thank you, Kelly, for all your hard work!

Best of luck to the nominees, and happy voting!

Solutions is proud to have been nominated for best SG-1 website. 🙂