Bad News for Atlantis Fans?

**Atlantis Spoiler Alert**

Hot on the heels of the SG-1 cancellation, rumors have surfaced about the death of a major character on Atlantis in the second half of Season 3 (visit website below to see which one). Our attempts to determine the veracity of the rumor have been unsuccessful so far, though we will keep trying. Assuming the worst, this Solutions editor has created a website with the aim of protesting the death of yet another beloved Stargate character. To learn more and contribute to those efforts, please visit yet another save-a-character site.

13 thoughts on “Bad News for Atlantis Fans?”

  1. yeah ummmmmm. Look we already killed Aiden Ford. I will grant nobody liked him BUT. This show has it’s quota of main character deaths. there is also the fact that the amount of Redshirts on the show is larger then SG-1. we do not need to kill a fellow scotsman here!

  2. I don’t get it, he’s actually popular and not AS big as Weir (who isn’t popular), why not kill her off, get an even bigger fire and ultimately wind up with a better leader.

  3. JPArbiter! Ican’t believe you did that! After the name was concealed you still spoiled it!Poor unnamed but blantantly obvious character thanks to JP. 🙁
    Oh and it should be Weir instead cos then a vastly more qualified leader can be appointed ie a certain soon to be out of work Archeologist. EG

  4. I thought that but then, being stuck behind a desk would be a waste of Daniel’s expertise and Michael’s talent so maybe it’s not the place for him.

    The thing that annoys me is the soon to be deceased character is prized by many fans, a lot of who use this website and this site itself is working so hard (in conjunction with Gateworld) to try save SG1, the parent show. How is that loyalty to the show repaid? How is the hard work, the writing into studio execs, the polling, the campaigning being rewarded by tptb? They show their gratitude by axing a character from the spinoff most of us actually like while leaving a character behind that most of us don’t.

    It is a huge kick in the teeth after the effort that is being spent and is an obvious indication the ptb just do not care. For a while the only fandom they did listen to is the Gateworld slice who is now also part of the campaign to save SG1 alongside Solutions so I have no clue what fandom the ptb is listening to now because it isn’t the big two (Solutions and Gateworld).

  5. I love the character of Doctor Weir, and I, for one, am very happy they are not going to kill her off. As for the character they are killing, I like him, but if he dies, it’s not like the end of the world has come. I actually heard some where that it was Sheppard, so I’m more relieved then angry at the news.

  6. For the record, I may be in the minority but I for one did like Aiden Ford and was very sorry to see his character killed off.

  7. I liked Ford too and if they had spent ANY time developing his character there would have been a bigger outcry at his untimely demise.


    I don’t think anyone’s suggesting that it is. He is a well liked character and many are upset that he is being written out just to drum up some episode drama, the same thing Janet Fraser suffered from in SG1. If writers have to resort to shock tactics to stir their audience they must question their talent very hard indeed. I will be officially through with the story if they ever decide to cut McKay as he is the only character left who has any disregard for the cookie cutter method of characterisation the writers often practice.

  8. Its simple folks, even though you may not like it.

    Its all ratings and if there down you have to bring them up or you lose the show.
    Actor don’t get severance pay they get fired, its the entrtainment business.
    However public outcry is good for bringing ratings back up.
    I’m refering to the cry baby Michael Shanks who left because he was not getting enough face time. The show would have gone on without him accept for the Shanks fans outcry.
    Don’t get me wrong I think Shanks is a talented actor but when you are one in a pool of 4 or more main carracter and draw a line you will be leaving the show.

    Atlantis also has to make room for SG-1 charactors to move in, because as long as Atlantis is around SG-1 is around, it doesn’t matter if the show has been cancelled.

    I think the whole stargate concept has been great but it has been around for ten years and over 250 episodes between the two shows and the ideas don’t flow like they used too.

    In closing, Yes they can kill off Carson and they will along with any other charactor they feel will get the rating up.

  9. JDWRAITH, I think you’re really mistaken about the whole history of why Michael Shanks left SG-1 and until you know the full story, it would be nice to not call him a “cry baby” and say things about the actor that you cannot back up.

    We still don’t know that SG-1 characters will be making their way into Atlantis. The talk of Carson’s demise started long before SG-1 was cancelled by SCI FI.

  10. Let the SG-1 cahracters make their guest apperances on Atlantis but they should not let any of them become permanent fixtures on the Atlantis….what they should be doing is getting SG-1 ready for the BIG SCREEN…..I beleive they will do alot better on the big screen than that other show (STAR-TREK) did…As for downloading season 11 from the internet…thats not for me. My mom always told me im a very patient person ill wait till it comes on DVD.

  11. Thanks to Anhara especially for your thoughts. I do have to wonder why I spend so much time making websites, fighting for the franchise’s continuation, spending money on it, when the powers in charge can so blithely turn around and use our love of the characters stab us in the heart. If this character stays demised, I’ll be sticking to fannish corners and let the producers lie in the beds they made…

  12. I know that I cannot truly speak for the Atlantis fans, being as I have only recently become one, but I for one have found that I really like Carson. Something about him and his ideals and morals makes him a very intriguing character and a wonderful addition to the cast.

    This is kind of the same as when the writers killed off Janet on SG-1. However, she had time to grow and mature as a character, becoming someone that we as audience members could love as our own.

    Aidin Ford, I can’t say too much about, as I’ve only seen about seven episodes of the first season. But from what I have seen, I do like his character, I like Weir’s character, and I like Carson. So for me, I don’t quite see the need to kill off either for them. Ford is gone, sadly, we can’t change that.

    But that’s just me.

    I hope they don’t kill Carson off, because I really like him. He’s a different kind of character than most of the others that are introduced through the show. Carson Beckett is pretty darn amazing, and the accent sure doesn’t hurt.

    But we’ll just have to see. If they kill him off, what more can we do as fans? We just have to continue to watch the show for what it is and hope that maybe, just maybe, regardless of what has happened, the show will still be good and fun to watch.

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