TV movies the future of Stargate SG-1?

SaveStargateSG-1 has been hearing unofficially from its sources that the future of Stargate SG-1 lies in TV movies, rather than the 11th season so many had hoped for.

We do see benefits to the TV movie format: it allows for bigger and stronger stories to be told, it uses the cinema-quality production standards of the show to best advantage, and gives everyone the opportunity to focus exclusively on telling the story, not fitting in around the grind and scheduling issues of daily episodic television production.

Of course the airing of the movies on TV would only be the start: 86% of respondents in our fan demographics survey have bought Stargate SG-1 DVDs while MGM makes much of the return on its investment in SG-1 through DVD sales, the franchise second only to Bond in importance to the studio.

It’s encouraging to think that as fans, our buying power will finally outweigh those Nielsen families, ratings woes and bad decisions by an insignificant US cable channel.

This is perhaps the best and most direct way we as fans can help secure a long-term future for Stargate SG-1: a TV/DVD movie franchise.

Cautious as we are in posting news that has yet to be confirmed by official sources at MGM, we were delighted to learn today there is some corroboration: staffers from popular entertainment website have been on the Stargate set at Bridge Studios in Vancouver, posting this exclusive report: TV staff, 25 September

MGM has reportedly been shopping the series around to other networks but there don’t appear to be any takers at this time.

IGN TV recently visited the set of Stargate SG-1 and we asked everyone if they know what’s going to happen with the series. Pretty much all the cast members told us that, while nothing’s definite yet, it sounds like there will be several Stargate TV movies produced after the series ends.

Read the rest of this report at TV

Here’s hoping that our dream of securing the future of Stargate SG-1 is a step closer to reality!

We’d like to ask you to write Mr. Charles Cohen at MGM as soon as you can:

(1) Reference the reports emerging that the future of Stargate SG-1 lies in TV movies.

(2) Express your support for a **long-term franchise** of TV movies.

(3) Encourage prompt release of these movies on DVD and commit to buying.

(4) If you’re an overseas fan who already has Season 9 on DVD, or a US fan who has the boxset on pre-order, let Mr. Cohen know of your financial support for the show. It is perhaps the most important thing we have to offer the studio at this point.

You can write Mr. Cohen here:

Charles Cohen, Executive Vice President
MGM Television Entertainment,
10250 Constellation Boulevard,
Los Angeles, CA, 90067

Make October 3rd Stargate Day!

Buy Season 9 on DVD *NOW* – make October 3rd’s release date for the Season 9 box set Stargate Day and leave no one in doubt of the financial clout and commitment of Stargate SG-1’s fans! Order from, help boost Season 9 higher in the top 20 DVD sales.