Just as there has been talk of SG-1 finishing up with a couple of TV/DVD movies since the cancellation, there’s also been talk of SG-1 characters possibly moving over to Atlantis.
Without going through the formalities of collecting data through a survey, the Save SG1 campaigners are still interested in how fans feel about this issue, so they invite you to participate in their new poll at the SaveStargateSG1.com site:
Which SG1 character would you most like to see transition to Atlantis? Go here to place your vote.
Please do spread word of the poll to all of your SG1 and Atlantis sites, lists, forums, LJs and Bboards. Even if you’re adamantly opposed to any character transitioning from one show to the other, there’s an option for you to vote too!
We had a similar poll at our LJ Companion site. Here’s the results of that one: SG-1 Character(s) to Atlantis Poll.