Take the new SG1 'digital future' survey

This post is from the SaveStargateSG1.com campaign, written by the steerers of that campaign.

Options for an 11th season of Stargate SG-1 are closing off to us. Based on all the insider information and evidence gathered by the Save Stargate SG-1 campaign steerers, we believe the only way to ensure an 11th season for Stargate SG-1 is for first-run episodes to debut exclusively on the Internet from download services like Amazon Unbox and Apple iTunes.

For some US fans, those without DSL/broadband Internet connections, this will mean waiting a year after Internet release to view episodes on syndicated TV. But not all fans in the US receive the SCI FI Channel and are unable to watch first-run episodes now. Many watch Stargate SG-1 through syndicated televised episodes only so nothing will change for those US viewers.

Most likely, international fans, those outside the US, will not be able to access the Season 11 downloads, but will get their televised seasons as normal. These fans have always had to wait until the US finished its first-run season episodes, so there is virtually no change.

The question for US fans is this: is it better for some to have to wait a year to see a Season 11 in syndication, or to have no Season 11 at all?

The question for US and international fans, those with the necessary DSL/broadband Internet connection, is this: would having access to first-run episodes on the Internet deter you from watching episodes on TV or buying the DVDs?

To help answer these key questions affecting the future of our show – if there is to be a future for our show – take the new campaign ‘digital future’ survey – link below.

All questions are required and we ask you to participate responsibly and constructively, answering as accurately as you can. Only take the survey once. We will be sending this data to senior executives at MGM and we hope it will have a direct bearing on Stargate SG-1 continuing, rather than bowing out after a TV movie.

Please spread word as far as you can. We want to at least equal our previous 4,000+ samples.

Take the new digital future survey here.

One thought on “Take the new SG1 'digital future' survey”

  1. I was just wondering if anyone knew what we, the audience, could do to help with campaigning for an online series. I’m completely addicted to my computer (mostly because I don’t have cable) and watch everything on it, including DVD’s of the series. I’d definately download episodes as I’m sure others would too. Anyway, if anyone knows who to write about this particular issue let me know via a comment!! Thanks:-)

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