A 10-year anniversary and Stargate: The Ark of Truth trailer has been posted at TrailerPlay.com and at SendIt.com. For viewing only the portion of the trailer for The Ark of Truth, visit YouTube.com.
Several of the scenes in the trailer match those written about by our Solutions staffer Michelle after she saw it at the Comic Con back in July. Going only from memory and a few notes, Michelle gave a remarkable report on the trailer’s contents, which includes a mixture of clips from the movie and the show and old visual effects footage from Seasons Nine and Ten.
Several fans have made screencaps of the trailer, the most notable being from SaberBlade, who has published a list of links to ImageShack.com images on the Gateworld forum.
Stargate: The Ark of Truth closes the Ori story arc that was started in Season Nine. The direct-to-DVD movie was written and directed by Robert C. Cooper and is due to be released in North America on March 11, 2008 (tentative date).
[Thanks to our on-site forum members SueS and Kalliope for the tips.]
Oh, I’m pretty sure it’s the same trailer from Comic Con, and I’m glad I got it pretty much right! I most wanted to know who Teal’c was speaking to about fighting, since it flashed by so fast. To me it looks like Tomin, which makes sense. They are both rebels to their gods. Very cool.
I definitely can see a common bond between Teal’c and Tomin. They’ve served their “gods” in much the same way and have done things that they probably will never be able to forgive themselves about. Tomin wants to help them find the anti-Ori underground – perhaps his talk with Teal’c has given him focus and he sees a way to make a difference.
Very cool, indeed.