McGillion's "Me, Mom, Dad and Her" Premiere

Paul McGillion

Stargate star Paul McGillion’s new Lifetime Movie Me, Mom, Dad and Her premieres tonight at 9pm Eastern and repeats tomorrow, May 11, at 2pm Eastern.

Here’s the description of the movie from Lifetime’s website: “Sydney Foster (15) is sent to spend the summer with her father and his new wife Emma Pierangeli Foster (Melora Hardin) when her volatile behavior finally pushes her mother to the breaking point. While at first Sydney lashes out, feeling abandoned yet again, she unexpectedly finds herself connecting with her new stepmother, who is nervously expecting her first child. It is this relationship with her stepmother, and the birth of the new baby that finally heals the wounds left by her parent’s bitter divorce.”

According to TV Guide Online’s Jeanette Martin, McGillion portrays the “incredibly patient papa who manages to weather the storm of his tempestuous child’s visit.” The movie is being recommended by Martin as part of tonight’s “TV Hot List”.