In a new MGM video interview, Stargate executive producer Brad Wright talks about what’s happening in the Stargate “universe” (read “franchise”) and how’s he’s excited about this time in the franchise’s life:
“You know, this is really an exciting time for Stargate. Maybe a few years ago, the cancellation of a series might have signified the end—period—and we would all have been packing up and going home, but when the studio [MGM] and the network [Sci Fi Channel] and Robert [Cooper] and I were talking about what we’re doing going forward, it became an opportunity to launch into movies. And that’s exciting for me as a writer/producer, but also as a fan because I loved making Continuum and thought it allowed us to take Stargate SG-1 to the next level.
“We can do that with Atlantis, too, and I think it will happen, and we’re already planning another Stargate SG-1 movie. So this—when you include Stargate Universe, which is a new series that we’re working on right now that is exciting to Robert and I—it puts Stargate—here we’re saying words like ‘cancelled’—but Stargate is really in a stronger place than it’s ever been before as a franchise.
“You’ve got Universe; you’ve got Atlantis movies; you’ve got SG-1 movies; you’ve got Stargate Worlds: That’s a lot of strong legs things called ‘Stargate’ to stand on, and that’s exciting for me as a writer/producer, and I really hope and believe the fans are gonna feel the same way.”
SG-1 Movies
Stargate: The Ark of Truth is being released on Blu-ray on January 13, 2009, according to TV Shows on DVD. The HD disc will have the same content as the DVD format, which made its premiere in North America on March 11, 2008.
Both The Ark of Truth and Continuum will be aired for the first time in the US on the Sci Fi Channel in the spring and late spring of 2009, respectively, as Sunday Movie Events.
As far as the third SG-1 movie is concerned, talk has been going on for quite some time, and the latest news had come from Christopher Judge that they’d begin shooting in January 2009, but with the green-lighting of Stargate Universe, it appears that filming has been moved, according to Amanda Tapping in a recent SCI FI WIRE interview: “Rumor has it late spring/early summer of next year, but I honestly couldn’t tell you beyond that. I know Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis will be shooting movies at that time.”
Brad Wright was scheduled to write the script for the third SG-1 movie, but with his time tied up with Stargate Universe, he’s apparently enlisted the help of Atlantis writer Carl Binder. Binder, according to Joseph Mallozzi in his weblog, is “working on the SG-1 movie script, presently hammering out an outline with Brad.” Binder has screenplay writing experience with Disney’s Pocahontas (1995).
Atlantis Movies
Mallozzi and production and writing partner Paul Mullie are spinning the story for the first Atlantis movie, which is scheduled to make its premiere on the Sci Fi Channel in the fall of 2009 before being released on DVD.
Mallozzi has stated in his weblog that fans should expect the main cast’s return, as well as appearances by several familiar guest stars (possibly Christopher Heyerdahl as Todd the Wraith, Amanda Tapping, Michael Shanks, and Christopher Judge).
The movie doesn’t have a title yet, but Mallozzi said that it’s supposed to “pick up where we’d left off after the shocking events of our fifth season finale: Enemy at the Gate,” and that “we’ll be able to tell our story on a much bigger, visual effects-laden, character-centered canvas.”
Stargate Universe
Stargate Universe is scheduled to begin production in January 2009, according to Tapping, with the principal photography most likely beginning February 4, 2009. Casting is still underway and sets are being constructed for the Ancient ship Destiny that will be the new home of Earth’s team of young and inexperienced explorers.
Mallozzi stated that he and Mullie will be consulting (with series creators Robert C. Cooper and Brad Wright) and writing “a few scripts” for the series, but that both of them will have considerably more free time unless they can sell their prospective pilot scripts (not related to Stargate).
Stargate Universe will premiere on the Sci Fi Channel during the summer of 2009.
Stargate Worlds
FireSky, the game’s publisher, has announced that closed beta begins October 15, 2008, according to Big Download. The MMORPG’s new release date will be sometime in 2009. To sign up for beta or just to learn more about the game, visit the game’s official website.
Stargate Atlantis
In the meantime, the final episodes of Stargate Atlantis are still making their debut on the Sci Fi Channel on Fridays at 9PM Eastern (NEW TIMESLOT).
Upcoming Fan Q&A
Mallozzi recently opened the comment section of his weblog to questions to be directed at Brad Wright (his offer was posted on October 6). By October 8, Mallozzi stated, “Okay, I have more than enough questions for Brad.” When Wright has finished answering them, Mallozzi will dedicate a future post to him as a guest blogger. Solutions will report on the Q&A when it gets published.
Well, since Wright was behind the cancellation of SGA, he knew it wasn’t the end of the franchise, so no risk on his part – they announced SGU was a go a day after SGA’s cancellation was announced – it was all in the bag. Since SGA’s ratings are up, it won a People’s Choice Award, it’s been nominated for any Emmy,it has a loyal and established fan base who purchase DVDs and dowloads, etc., lack of popularity was not a reason for cancellation – ie – the show was still making money for MGM, SciFi, and the producers. It has been cited by Wright that the weak dollar is one of the reasons that made the production of SGA prohibitive; SGA would be more expensive to produce regularly that SGU basically because of the quality cast. So, while SGA was doing fine, someone wasn’t making enough money. Writing a show with younger cast members who don’t command higher salaries equals more money in someone’s pocket. Combining SGU with a new game, they think they have an instant, YOUNGER, male fan base and with that, more money. I doubt it. This older (42) female with some disposable income to spend on SGA will not be spending it on SGU or the SciFi channel. SGU has no interest for me and ditching a great show to make room for it was a big mistake. Whatever. The bottom line is that they’ve pissed off a loyal group of geezers – mostly women – who are not interested in their new product – and who may also cancel their subscriptions to SciFi.