MGM: “Momoa Says Goodbye” to Atlantis

Ronon Dex in SGA Finale
Jason Momoa as Ronon Dex in SGA’s Finale (image from MGM)

Stargate Atlantis star Jason Momoa shares his feelings about the end of Atlantis as a television series. The video clips used in “Momoa Says Goodbye” include his “wrap”, his last scene filmed for the show.

“It’s like high school, you know? Four years. It’s my senior—it’s my last class before I go out those doors,” he shared with the interviewer. Momoa says that Ronon was a fun character to play and that he doesn’t think he’ll ever play a character quite like him again. “That in itself is gonna be sad, but that’s gonna take a while to kick in, you know?”

Momoa has moved on from Ronon, making guest appearances in other productions (he currently can be seen in The CW’s The Game on Fridays at 8:30 PM), but SGA movie script writer Joseph Mallozzi has apparently written Ronon into the story. If things go according to plan, Momoa will get to expand on Ronon’s character and might even get to sport a new do for the occasion!