Update Your Calendars for Stargate Stars

Here’s the list of a week’s worth of upcoming events to add to your calendars concerning our Stargate stars! (This article might be updated if new information is made available after publishing.)


  • James Spader – Film Shorts opens today, August 21. For more information, visit SCI FI WIRE.

Conventions and Other Appearances:

Make sure to follow what’s happening right now in the world of Stargate by visiting Solutions’ Stargate Twitter Superfeed that shows the Twitter accounts of actors, producers, network and studio reps, and the press who are all about the franchise. You don’t have to have a Twitter account to read the feed.

For an informal summary of what’s happened this past week, please visit our LJ Companion’s Stargate Friday News Roundup.

Got anything to add? Leave us a note in our comment section. Thanks. 🙂

[Thanks to the folks at Stargate Actor Appearances for keeping up with most of the convention/public appearances information used above.]