Eli discovers a kino where one shouldn’t be in “Time”
“To those asking ‘When are we going to have our next alien encounter?'” creative consultant Joseph Mallozzi began to tease his weblog readers, “be careful what you wish for because this episode provides the answer in creepy, mind-bending style. As producer on the show, I watch the individual episodes so many [times] I’m honestly well weary of them by the time that final mix comes around. Time, however, is an exception. This is one of those rare episodes I’ll actually watch when it airs. Fantastic – but not for the faint of heart or weak of mind. As my second grade teacher Mrs. Vowels used to say: ‘Put on your thinking caps’ because this one could bruise your brain.”
Mallozzi also wrote in early October that “Time,” written, directed, and produced by Robert C. Cooper, is “complete with creepy as hell visual effects (kudos to Mark Savela and his team)” and “has the look and feel of a big screen feature.”
According to TV Guide, the story goes like this: “An away team finds a kino beside a Stargate on a jungle world, which contains video footage of the team that was shot prior to their arrival. Then, an illness cripples the team, forcing them to quarantine themselves on the planet.”
“Time” will be shown tonight, November 13, on the Syfy Channel (US) and Space (Canada) at 9 PM ET and 10 PM ET, respectively. The episode will be broadcast by Sky One (UK) on Tuesday, November 17, at 8 PM, and finally, on Friday, November 20, on the Sci Fi Channel (Australia) at 8:30 PM.
After viewing, you’re invited to return to the site to vote in the episode poll on the main page and discuss the episode here (in the comments), in our on-site forum, or at our LiveJournal Companion.
Guides to the Season One episodes can be found in our Stargate Wiki. And don’t forget the episode chatter that’s bound to take place from the actors, writers, producers, and the press that you can read from our Stargate Twitter Superfeed.
Last Week’s “Earth” Ratings

Last week’s episode “Earth” had 1.626 million viewers, according to TV By The Numbers, down from the previous week’s “Light” viewership of 1.974 million. But this shouldn’t be discouraging, says Mallozzi in his weblog. “It was an 11% drop (I believe) across the board. Also, while our same days +1 ratings have dipped, our +7 ratings have steadily increased suggesting that our audience is simply time shifting.”
[Images from MGM.]
I think SGU should be canned. It is a disgrace.