Tim Jenson of CME Addresses Future of Stargate Games

Tim Jenson, president and CEO of Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment (CME), the developer of Stargate Resistance and Stargate Worlds, talked with Jaime Skelton of the Examiner to address the status of these games in light of the bankruptcy procedures put in place recently.

Concerning Stargate Resistence: “Unfortunately, with the filing of the bankruptcy, CME was not able to raise any funding and the sales of the game were negatively impacted. Without adequate cash flow, CME is unable to meet its financial obligation or pay its employees. CME is not able to have its employees continue working without pay so many of them were laid off. CME is currently seeking ways to keep the Stargate Resistance game operating and growing including partnering with other companies in a joint venture or outsourcing type arrangement.”

Concerning Stargate Worlds (SGW): “I sure hope so [that the game will be produced], but I don’t have a crystal ball and can’t tell you what might happen in the future. I would sure like to see CME, Firesky and SGW doing great and would be happy to help in any way to make that happen.”

Make sure to visit Interview with Tim Jenson of Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment for all of the details gathered about CME’s current status and how it affects the Stargate games.

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