According to the fansite, the web series has been delayed due to financial concerns, so they’ve had to push the premiere date out from the original December time-frame. Right now, they’re shooting for a world premiere at the San Diego Comic Con in 2011 (July 21-24, 2011).
In their article “Naught for Hire to Premiere Summer 2011,” the Agency states,”In the mean time, the good news is that planning for adjunct materials to the web series are developing quickly and include a prequel comic book series co-written by Jeffrey Berman, Ben Browder and John E. Stith, as well as the revamped website (which is up and running at www.naughtforhire.com right now).”
Make sure to visit the updated website since there are some pictures of Browder in character!
Naught for Hire producer Jeffrey Berman has posted an exclusive new official photograph of Nick Naught. You can find it at this link:
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