I thought I might start by introducing myself, but then I realized that if you don’t know who I am (star of film & television—legend in my own mind), then I’m not sure I want you hanging about. The reality is that any highly intelligent, attractive, world-changing, leader-types should already be following me on Twitter!
Then again, who am I to pass up an opportunity to talk about myself …
A lot of hair ago, I showed up on the set of Stargate SG1. Thanks to some fantastic writing and the support and patience of the lovely and talented Amanda Tapping, I became Doctor Rodney McKay. Rodney’s snarcastic genius and lack of social skills seem to have appealed to a lot of people. I like to think that McKay is what a grumpy Grover would look like in the role of C-3PO. Rodney showed up for another episode or two of SG1 and then went on to five wild and wonderful years on the hit show Stargate: Atlantis. During the run of SGA I wrote and directed my first feature film A Dog’s Breakfast. I married my wife Jane (twice in fact). My son Sebastian (“Baz” as we insist on calling him) was born the day after we wrapped season 4 (I was still peeling pieces of 10,000 year old Rodney McKay makeup off my face while Jane was in labour). I am Stargate’s biggest fan for life.
In the hopes of having something to complain about in future blogs I welcome any and all questions (that I like) right here on Blastr. And I also welcome you all to follow me on Twitter, where I do my utmost to make my mind-numbingly dull life sound wildly interesting and potentially life threatening … try me!
Hewlett’s Twitter is at http://twitter.com/dhewlett. Here at Solutions, we have a David Hewlett homepage, and you can always follow his conversations on Twitter via our Stargate Twitter Superfeed. Make sure to watch Stargate Universe when it returns to Syfy in the spring to see Dr. Rodney McKay in action once again in the episode 2.15 “Seizure”.